Tap tempo for Max/gen~

I am working on delay pedal in Max gen~. I would like to be able to get the host/mod tempo to control the delay time like the Bollie delay does. Is it possible to do that in gen~?

It’s not possible to do that within gen, but if you’re comfortable with command-line you can tweak the file copied to the Duo and add a tap-tempo property there. do you know how to use nano or vim?

Thank you for your help. I am quite comfortable with command line and would very much like to try this. Can you give me any hints on how I add the tap-tempo property to the file?

Sure, first we log into the mod:
ssh root@modduo.local
(you can also use the full IP instead of the zeroconf one, password is “mod”)

then open the main ttl file for the plugin you’re trying to change, like this:
nano .lv2/Harmless.lv2/Harmless_dsp.ttl
(in this case my gen~ plugin name is “Harmless”)

Assuming you know how to use nano, find the part of the file where the parameter you want to change is described. For example:

        a lv2:InputPort, lv2:ControlPort ;
        lv2:index 8 ;
        lv2:name "tone" ;
        lv2:symbol "tone" ;
        lv2:default 1000.000000 ;
        lv2:minimum 500.000000 ;
        lv2:maximum 6000.000000 ;

We need to add this new property there:

lv2:portProperty <http://moddevices.com/ns/mod#tempoRelatedDynamicScalePoints> ;

So that section becomes:

        a lv2:InputPort, lv2:ControlPort ;
        lv2:index 8 ;
        lv2:name "tone" ;
        lv2:symbol "tone" ;
        lv2:portProperty <http://moddevices.com/ns/mod#tempoRelatedDynamicScalePoints> ;
        lv2:default 1000.000000 ;
        lv2:minimum 500.000000 ;
        lv2:maximum 6000.000000 ;

That’s it!
Now we can just restart the web interface service and tap tempo can be used.
systemctl restart mod-ui

(next time you reboot the MOD you don’t need to restart mod-ui)

Thank you so much for the help. I managed to add the tap tempo to my delay :smile: I edited the .ttl file before upploading it to the MOD so I did not have to use nano. It seems to work like a charm.