
If anyone is interested: modgui + presets added


Newb ereā€¦ Cant get any output from it?

Youā€™ll find a short demo here:


The plugin is build for the Dwarf, donā€™t know if it could be a problem on other devices.
Did you assign a footswitch to the ztutter parameter ?

I love this plugin !
a very few remarks since it is still in beta :

  • it is quite CPU hungry, could a mono version help to reduce this ?
  • the ztutter parameter should be an on/off switch no ?
  • Yes maybe a mono version without filter and tail could be possible in the futureā€¦
  • Yes I did it like this (momentary on) for my proper use, but on the Dwarf you can assign your footswitch to the latch mode and it will work as on/off, or edit the STUTTTER_dsp.ttl file and change the ā€œztutterā€ index (#18)
    lv2:portProperty lv2:integer, lv2:toggled, mod:preferMomentaryOnByDefault ;
    lv2:portProperty lv2:toggled;

Another cool option is both possibilities with one footswitch :
Footswitch ā†’ Multi Button to CV
Single press and Long press ā†’ CV to Logic operator (OR mode) ā†’ ztutter parameter


Hi Rom,
Youā€™ll find a mono version here:

Update 31/03/24 : Screenshot and thumbnail added

  • link delay time to Dwarf Main tempo implemented

Thanks a lot, Iā€™ll try this next week!!!

Took me some time but I finally tested the non Stutter, and itā€™s PERFECT !!!
Thanks a lot @zwabo !!!

The MS_ENV parameter may be a bit more explicit if it was named ā€œAttackā€ ?

Unless Iā€™m mistaken, I call it ENV because there is a ramp up and a ramp down.


Hi. In Dwarf my plugin settings window (from the store) does not look at all like whatā€™s in the video. There is no way to assign a function to a footswitch, only to a knob. I have no idea how to put a plugin from github into a Dwarf. Donā€™t shoot, Iā€™m just a Window user.

Youā€™re right, I just did a try with the one in the Beta store and there is an issue, donā€™t know whyā€¦

So, here is the simplest way to tweak the problem: for the Ztutter, Double, Random, Reverse knob parameters, you can use, for each one, a Control to CV plugin with the Control at 10v. and a footswitch-> on/off.
Not very elegant but it worksā€¦

Another option is to edit the .ttl file in the lv2 folder according to the instructions here after the line
" to get a switch for this parameter"

Or If you want to install the last version from github on windows, you should probably use Win SCP, see the Jacubeā€™s post here for his plugin installation:

Then you have to reboot the dwarf.

Hope it helps

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Should look like this:

@ falkTX
Any problem with the custom.ttl file?

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Thanks for the reply. I saw a post about WinSCP, but I was a little afraid to try it, because all this is very unobvious to me as an ordinary user of a guitar pedal. Getting into the software of the device is not the most standard scenario for a musician. It is especially surprising that everyone on the forum is well versed in all this and does not see any problems in changing the lines of the plugin codeā€¦ Actually, Iā€™m a processor guy and twisting parameters is a familiar thing for me. But with a Dwarfā€¦ This level is not at all for those who like simplicity. (by the way, I suspect that this scares off many potential users). But I tried the WinSCP option and installed the plugin (mono) from Github. Thanks for the advice, and separately for developing cool plugins!


Iā€™d love to know whatā€™s happening with this. I managed to get it make some spectacularly strange noises last night that were wholly unrelated to the input signal but awesome nonetheless, but canā€™t replicate it today even having saved the board last night in the same stateā€¦

@zwabo thanks so much for the work youā€™re doing on max-gen stuff - itā€™s really exciting :slight_smile:

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Normally there is no problem saving presets but the Beta store version seems not totally ok, see my post about the custom ttl file problem mentioned above.

My working version is here, but probably only useful for the Dwarf:

I also just put the gen_exported files (from Max) for STUTTER and STUTTER MONO here:

So maybe you can try to install it again with the MOD Cloud Builder on your device.

And then you can try to copy/paste/edit some parameters from the original .ttl file here to change some knobs to switches etcā€¦:

Hope it helps

thatā€™s amazing. Iā€™d love to have the time to dig into all that, but at the moment I have degree dissertations to mark and a PhD to write :joy::joy:

Will persevere with the original version here and see if I can find a way to make it do weird shit :nerd_face:


this is really lovely. Absolutely nothing like the squealing chaos I got out of it last night. I hope I can find a way to have both eventually :joy:


HolĆ  @zwabo
I use the plugin daily, and I have a very small problem with the mono (Iā€™m not sure it is present on the stereo) :

  • when I 1st sturrer ā†’ no problem
  • when I stutter the next times it 1st play the last stutter present in the buffer, then stutter the new sound.

Do you have something similar ?

HolĆ  @Rom
Youā€™r right there is a bugā€¦

It happens only when Speed is set above 1.00, same problem with the stereo version.
I have to take a look at the Gen~ patch one of these days, but probably not before end of July, sorry.