Strings B/D - MOD Devices


I got a Sonuus G2M to play the Fluid Synth Pad in the background with my bass side on the NS/Stick. Also using parallel compression which keeps the pure direct sound and blend it the compressed, more sustained note. Adds nice tone. Issue with Fluid Synth Pad... It causes CPU usage to sway from 30% to 100% causing digital clipping. You can hear it in this recording...

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Nice n smooooth! Keep it up - good work :slight_smile:

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I found that when the unit is not plugged into my computer it doesn’t seem to be clipping as much. But when I add reverb plugin after the String Pad it starts to clip a lot again. I guess that connecting to the GUI uses some of the CPU. This pedalboard, as is, is right at the cusp of glitching out when not connected to the computer.

I hope there will be some research into these sound generators so that they don’t use much CPU.

Hi @Skydiver,
Don’t confuse clipping with xruns:

  • clipping is the signal going over the analog threshold, causing A/D or D/A conversion clipping (internally in the digital domain, there is no clipping as such - only when sent to the output).

  • Xruns on the other hand is when the CPU is late in delivering the audio to the soundcard, and hence it has no audio available to playback, causing a “pop” (or click-like) sound.

I presume you mean that the StringPad starts causing xruns when plugged in with the UI, because the CPU load goes up. The DSP parts will remain identical if the UI is plugged in or not :slight_smile:

Apologies for the nit-pick on your phrasing, but its an important distinction to keep in mind.
Cheers, -Harry

Hi @harryhaaren,

You are correct.

I knew that it wasn’t actually clipping but I didn’t know what to call it… I’m new to the lingo… Thanks for clarifying.

Is there a way this plugin can be made to not use so much CPU?