I am would like to know what do you guys recommend as a dev environment for a noob.
I do know C++ (it’s my day job) but more used to VC on windows. I understand that the norm is more towards linux / mac.
I do have a mac, so I guess I am going to use that.
Which IDE do you guys use ?
Which tutorial should I start with ?
Personally I would recommend using https://github.com/DISTRHO/DPF as it will save you the hassle of writing a lot of boilerplate. There are quite some examples out there already and you’ll be able to make both LV2 and VST2/3 plugins for use in both MOD and on desktop
on it … cloning a whole bunch of Cardinal sub modules…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/AmalgamatedHarmonics’…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/AnimatedCircuits’…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/ArableInstruments’…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/AriaModules’…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/AudibleInstruments’…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/Autinn’…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/Axioma’…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/BaconPlugs’…
Cloning into ‘/Users/ldecorps/Documents/workspace/Cardinal/plugins/Befaco’…
I haven’t got the fastest internet… but is seems this could take a couple of hours…