Some ideas for future updates

Hello! I spent quite a lot of time digging into ModDuoX. And I have a few ideas about what could improve the user experience with this device.

  1. Some kind of mixer will be very useful, will help to avoid a lot of TinyGain instances. (more related to plugins)
  2. Ability to create groups that can be used as ready-to-go patches. Or at least able to put a “frame” around a couple of plugins and give it a name.
  3. Cable color selection inside Web-GUI for audio routing connections, just must-have.
  4. Bigger font on the unit itself, or ability to change different layouts(themes), because only two lines with names of snapshots are barely readable.
  5. Onscreen MIDI indication, at least just BPM, to see is it on sync or not.
  6. When transport start\stop indication also needed.
  7. If snapshots assigned to buttons it looks strange, just doubling the name of the current snapshot. Would be great to see like prev\next name of the snapshot.
  8. Setting the order of snapshots after assignment.

I will add more stuff if it comes to my mind.
Thank you!


@Eikni thanks a lot for this. It is really helpful indeed.
We are saving all these features suggestions and planning to discuss them often (deciding how to prioritise them). Currently just not yet focus on selecting new features, but that will happen soon.
Moreover, I can tell you that your suggestion 2 will be available in one of the next updates (if not on 1.10, it will be on 1.11). Basically there will be blocks that you can re-call to your pedalboard even without using the WebGui.

That sounds really nice! Thank you for your reply!

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Would like to add that tabs of the plugin category do not fit the size of the window and I’m not able to scroll them. Very hard to navigate on a tablet or split-screen on PC.

Tablets are indeed sometimes hard to use the WebGui