Spending this evening swapping the Mk2 Shiroverb into all the boards where I was using the old one… It’s SOOOO good!! Such a rich sound and the feature upgrades are well worth the price of entry
Also bought the WOV which I’m having a lot of glitchy fun with!
I’ve used the Mk2 in a few recent performances (very small, modest stuff :)). With the CS-1 in front, I get some lovely atmospheric fills and shimmer that go well with a few slow, melancholy pieces I like to play.
I tried out the WOV and it’s also very interesting. For most of the presets, I wouldn’t have an immediate creative use in mind, but I plan to circle back some day and play around with a few that caught my attention.
I am totally missing something. When I go to the plug-in store, there is no way I can purchase Shiroverb II, and the link in the description of the plug-in for the home page goes to a spam site.