Shimmer reverb with gaffa tape, amp and filta

How do you like iit?


Wow, looks fine! I will test it this evening


I don’t get what the first switchbox is supposed to do …

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@dreamer It toggles between mono / stereo, I guess…

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oooooooh, right. because of the bundle of cables I thought that it was just switching the same connections hehe.

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Yes, it is tricky wiring. I thinks its really good.

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I hope the store comes back online soon, Gaffa is the only one on this pedalboard I don’t own :#

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…and Gaffa is a very good plugin. I am glad that I had bought it before the store was down.


Hi, glad you like it. :slight_smile:
The switching for bypass/process and stereo/mono doesn’t seem to work propperly.
I use the SwitchBox and create two presets to be able to name the states in the device ui. For the device switch I use “asign all” from the preset menu. That works really good for a single instance of the switchbox. But in my case I have 2 instances and for some weired reason the presets of both devices are displayed in the device ui.
Any idea to improve this?
How do you create a SwitchBox with good naming in the device ui?


It sounds really nice!


So I could fix the issue with the switch. It is a bug in the system, one has to remove tthe presets by hand after the Asisgn All command. Here is the fixed version 2.


Super cool @llorenzo!!
Thanks for the “pedalboard bug fix” :slight_smile:

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