Hey Guys - just for kicks I plugged in the wireless USB receiver from my old set of Rock Band 2 drums (for the Wii) into my Mod Duo X and it just worked! It was detected as a MIDI device and I could play drums through a virtual instrument - very cool!! The problem is the different drum pads output overlapping MIDI signals so you can’t assign each one independently. I spent all afternoon trying to logic my way around it with various mappings of notes and CC values, but ultimately had to give up as I couldn’t assign more than three items without overlaps. It’s too bad - would have been cool to hook up a wireless drum kit!
Hmm… using this utility on my PC, it actually is able to map each pad to a new, separate MIDI signal. It must track the order of signals received (which is unique) and translate them to new values. We could achieve a similar thing with the right MIDI utility plugin on the Mod Duo (x). If there was a way to convert a series of CC/Note events into a new event, it could be done.
FYI, PS4 controllers can also be used as MIDI controllers
As well as most joysticks (although buttons are assigned to notes, not CC events at the moment)
The joystick example is really good, but here’s another question. Will the input of a separate volume on the drums be like any variable or like a specific volume on the installation, what will the program see?
I am not sure I understand that one