[Resolved] Wrong power cable with Dwarf - Mod Devices let me down again

I was a kickstarter backer for the Mod Dwarf. I volunteered for later delivery of the Founders edition. I had to pay 150 eu to actually get my device.

When it arrived, it had a european power cable instead of an American one.

I emailed support to complain about having to go out and buy my own power cable for this already expensive device and I still have no answer after a month.

My trust is gone.

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Unfortunate about the cable. I think the team wanted to send out your device as fast as they could and didn’t double/triple check the contents for your region.

I do hope you enjoy exploring the device and some of the excellent premium plugins though.

Also hope the team gets back to full power soon.

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Hi @dylanious

As I just wrote in the email, the previous messages that you sent to support@moddevices.com did not arrive in my inbox (and I still need to understand why because it should have) and, the one that you sent yesterday, this time to support@mod.audio, arrived properly.

Your wrong cable has already been shipped via Amazon Prime and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

I am really sorry for the frustration. Due to capacity we cannot always respond immediately to support requests, but a response time of one month is not something we consider acceptable so I apologize for it.


PS: I have placed this complaint in another category as it has not related to the usage of our devices.


Hello Gianfranco, I’ve been trying to get an input Jack washer for my Mod Dwarf. The input Jack got loose and came off and the washer disappeared. I’m still using the Dwarf with the missing washer but I’m worried about a ground loop hum issue that might come up.(so far it hasn’t) I’d be willing to buy/pay for the replacement washers but I don’t get an answer from anyone??

I’ve replied to your email message.

Thanks Gianfranco!!
All the best to you and the Mod Family!!

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