Hi happy people,
even though its a sunny day…and the rest of life is happy…I am a bit sad.
I backed the MOD Dwarf Kickstarter campagne and am so happy to start working with it.
Unfortunately due to all kind of late payments and missing income regards the so demanding Covid-19 situation the income that I was planning to use for paying the pledge …now came so late. I am so sorry that I missed my backed pledge although the money for it will arrive but as said later then calculated.
So is there something I can do to still pay for my pledge…get the Dwarf in the pledge I made. Who can I contact too solve this issues. I so would love to pay the pledge and work finally with my MOD device.
Looking forward to receive and read support replies of those that can help me fix this problem.
Kind regards and still happy Easter everybody and dear MOD community,
Musical greetings from out of Finland
Bastiaan Anthonie Baaij