Release 1.9.0-RC4

Hello all. This is yet another bugfix for the previous 1.9 release candidates.

A fix in RC3 regarding removing plugins with addressings was not complete, some issues still remained.
So now this RC finally fixed it! :hammer:

Also we reduced the default CPU on the Duo X, by optimizing the CV handling and make it be quiet/silent if not enabled or connected to anything.

Please refer to the RC1 topic to read the changes made in 1.9:

Changelog for RC4:

  • optimize CPU usage of CV read/write clients
  • really fix removing plugins from pedalboard that use multiple CV out addressings

Here’s the manual download link:
Duo X:

The upgrade procedure is explained at the top of our releases page, here:

We hope you’re enjoying your MOD Duo and/or MOD Duo X.
Let us know if you find any issues.


… nice! i’ve run into that problem a bunch while exploring the CV plugins…