Release 1.12.1

Nobody has any answers for me? Suggestions, even?


I would rather wait for @falkTX to pop up here again since he seems to have an idea of what can be happening.
Sorry if it’s taking a bit longer, we are in the holiday season so the company is in a pretty reduced mode for this week (for example I’ve been only working a couple of hours to come here, support, etc. so people don’t wait way too long for an answer). Next week all should get back to normality and I’m pretty sure that really soon @falkTX will tell you something.

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So this means the restore/update partition is broken somehow.
We have ways to get the unit fully reset again, but we have not yet described the steps needed to do so publicly in the wiki. I need to generate a few files first.

Will try to sort this out next week…


How involved will this process be?

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Very happy with the fix to the important bug, confirmed working here.


So, @falkTX, were you able to get the description of what I need to do to fix my Dwarf on the Wiki yet?

Any progress on enumerating the steps I need to take to reset the restore/update partition on my Dwarf?

kinda. I was preparing some stuff but I broke my unit while testing a few related things. I am meeting up with the rest of the team in Berlin this week so will come back to this again once I have a working unit.


To answer your question, yes. I used to run a computer repair business, so I’m familiar with the troubleshooting process.

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And to add to this, in the last couple of weeks my Dwarf has started emitting random spikes in the output. Any ideas as to what might cause that? I’ve had to pull it out of my signal chain because of this.

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Is it happening in any particular pedalboard?

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No -every pedalboard i tried, it happened.

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Hi @Roachmanfwa

I think I have the same issue.
Do you have the dwarf connected over USB to the Browser GUI when it happens?

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@Roachmanfwa steps for a full dwarf reset now available in Troubleshooting Reinstall Dwarf - MOD Wiki

Still need to put in instructions regarding macOS and GateKeeper, will do that soon


@rogeriocouto, no. It happens when I’m playing live. I haven’t yet tried playing using the USB/Browser connection.


@falkTX : I tried going through those steps. I got the message, “MOD Dwarf is not connected or is not running in flashing mode. Turn MOD off / on again while activating maskrom mode, with shorting the Som emm c pin to ground as a last resort.”

I think I might have had to do that before. Is that where I am with this thing? I’m getting pretty frustrated that it doesn’t just behave normally. The whispers of “Buyer’s Regret” are starting to appear.

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@falkTX : do you have a picture of where on the Dwarf the som emm c pin is?

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You held the right knob and button before powering on the unit, right?

For the eMMC fallback step, it requires fully opening up the unit. Will add some pictures about the procedure to the wiki later on.

I think here it is best to contact support, if you haven’t done so. @jon will assist you there.


@falk: yes, I did hold the buttons down.

I’ll contact @jon about this.


When I did the factory reset on the duox, I had to repeat the process several times (5 - x times) until it finally worked.