Reaching out for Dwarf Videos

Hey guys,

I mentioned this in the content exchange topic also,

Now that Dwarfs have been shipped to all of the Beta backers (some may be still in transit),
We would love to see you guys using them!

So if you want to make or have already made any videos, whether it’s an unboxing, first impressions, reviews, demonstrations or performances, please let us know!

If you don’t want it to be public that’s fine, you can message or email them to us directly as feedback.

If you would like it to be public, then we would be happy feature it on the forum in the Product Reviews and Demos topic
We can also add it to the MOD Dwarf YouTube playlist to help you get some love on your channel while also spreading the love for the device :blush:

Feel free to share with us in the Content Exchange Topic


I plan to do it at some point, but have been so busy that I’ve barely had time to play the last month-ish.


Awesome, when you get time we would love to see what you can come up with!