Quick menu only shows input-2 gain


i’ve had my Dwarf for a while, but am just now really starting to work with it; forgive my noob questions that i might be peppering y’all with over the next days! :wink:

for now, i’ve noticed one oddity: the User Guide says that the quick access menu (via the menu button) allows changing input 1 and 2 gain. however, when i push my menu button, i see a menu showing headphone volume, pedalboard out gain, and input-2 gain. is the user guide incorrect, or am i missing something?

and, if what i’m seeing on my dwarf is as intended, why only the input-2 gain rather than input-1?


Hey Plutek!

On your dwarf, those menus are contextual, and can be assigned from the settings page.

Settings->menu items->use encoder to scroll through quick menu assignments.

Hope that helps!


oh, sweet! tyvm, @Elk_wrath …i’m just in the midst of crawling through the settings portion of the wiki, and didn’t quite get to that yet!

ok, so perhaps the overview box about the menu button should mention that what’s shown in the quick access menu can be changed in settings - that seems to me like a really useful feature; mention of that capability right there in the Overview could help unlock the device for new users, and avoid possible confusion like i’ve had.

dunno who’s responsible for wiki maintenance… @jon? @gianfranco?


Holy crap,

You read the manuals to gear?

Be like me, hope that someone who actually knows how to read decided to make one of those moving pictures that tells me exactly what to do with words.

Just kidding, as someone who is currently working through a 146 page manual, the stuff that can be assigned by the user for personalization should be included with a “quickstart” guide.

A small blurb about “we know you’re excited to begin experimenting with your MOD Dwarf, here are a few tips to get you started quickly”

Information that would have been useful to me initially:

Menu navigation
I/O gain levels
Hardware assignments
Midi Connections
Board construction (Mentioning gain staging plugins)
Noise troubleshooting (maybe a link to a permanently locked thread with verified user solutions?)

And probably others. It’s hard to remember the stumble steps after you get familiar with the platform, so I’m sure there several things I have forgotten.

Edit: Actually, let me see if that exists already. I could have sworn I had a quickstart guide with my MDX.

Edit2: I just got uo a while ago, and you made me fire up my gear immediately. Guess I’m working on tracks today until my lighting arrives lol


good manuals are the best. …high on my bedtime reading list… :blush:

when i was in grade 7, i forgot to bring a novel for reading period one day so i pulled a dictionary off the shelf. spent the next month or so crawling through it and enjoyed every minute immensely!


Once you’ve read the dictionary, all other books are remixes.

Sounds like you were just ahead of the curve :wink:


It’s me :slight_smile:
I guess your problem (or even the wiki one, I need to verify this) is that the items changed with some MOD OS release. Likely is on the wiki side of things. I will try to update it asap.

Regarding your suggestion to get the information that these items can be set by the user, that’s mentioned here. Do you think that is too lightly?

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In the myriad of things that we are working on and trying to improve, that has been moving recently and includes quite a lot of the things that you are mentioning.

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perhaps that’s enough, as long as the description in the Menu Button box of the Overview section actually describes whatever is the default state of a new Dwarf - i don’t know whether or not that is actually “Input 1 and 2” (amongst other things).

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That is great!

Having a quick start guide would be immensely helpful for getting jamming.

One thing I’d also include are the IP addresses for gui access, aometimes when I’m in the middle of set up I forget which is bluetooth and which is USB lol

I should just write them down and tape them to the wall for quick reference


tattoos :rofl:


I’m running out of space.

At one point in my college education, I had seriously considered tattooing all relevant Chemistry and Calculus formulas and theorums on my arms for quick reference.

I ended up not doing that lmao

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Yes, this is one of the backslashes of things being updated often. If we start being super descriptive of the default settings on a lot of places we run the risk of a lot of info getting outdated with a release.

You guys are already super biased for this, but I’ve been on the side of all support tickets, etc. trying to collect as much possible onboarding feedback from users. It’s not uncommon that someone reaches out interested in a device and the platform, I answer them and start a conversation and eventually they buy it. I try to stick to these people for a while so they share their onboarding experience with me sort of live and I can pass it on to the team. You won’t believe the insane learning that I get from this of what is obvious for all of us, but in the end, it’s actually not so obvious for someone new.
You both are MOD users for a while now, so you already have a lot of these “obvious” like it or not.
My point here is, feel free to share any feedback that I can map for this, especially if you can as much as possible put yourself in the position of someone that is just landing into the MOD world.
I will take it with a grain of salt and I hope you understand that, but I still think that it can be useful.
The goal of this is mostly to improve the onboarding process so new people will faster get a satisfying result and are likely to keep using and recommend the devices.
This goes from everything regarding setup, documentation, quality, etc. I would just ask you to avoid as much as possible to turn it into a feature request.

maybe we can ship a couple of ones like those for kids :slight_smile:

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:thinking: so maybe it’s actually better just to say that the quick menu exposes three hardware settings to the endless knobs, and that these can be chosen in settings. (with a link to the Settings page in the wiki)

ok… :wink: as i’m getting familiar with the Dwarf, the thing which is taking the most time to get comfortable in my brain is the arrangement of buttons/switches/knobs, what they all do, and when they all do it. it’s such a flexible system, with so many multi-function hardware controls, that a user really just needs to spend a lot of time doing two things:

  1. carefully and slowly decoding it all
  2. practising with the device, in the same way as practising an instrument

…i think the explanations of things in the User Guide are good and clear - i’ve been impressed with that, actually - however the device really isn’t approachable in a “drop it on the floor and start jamming” way, like we might with a “normal” effects pedal. in order to get to the point of being able to just play music fluidly with it while using the capabilities deeply, there really is this requirement to invest time, thought, and physical conditioning.

i feel like maybe that aspect of learning the machine could be sensitively emphasized somehow. …and maybe a few videos of pedalboards in action, which use all the endless knob pages, the actuators assignment pages, and the two function modes… that would probably help a lot to clarify the depth of the device.

I can agree and that is more or less what is written here and here. Where you are pointing out that issue is here right? That is an image and it really needs an update. These type of cases was exactly what we tried to run away from when we worked on the text. I will try to find the original, edit it and update it on the wiki.

I couldn’t agree more. Personally I feel that the versatility of the device is a bless and a course at the same time…

…exactly for this reason. Yet, let’s look at the bright side :slight_smile:
I believe (and a lot based on those interactions with new users that I talked about before), the trick/challenge is to instruct the users slowly with simple steps at the time, yet, the result from these small steps should ALWAYS BE SUPER REWARDING…and in this last part is the challenge.

how do you think that we could do this in a way that excites new users (or even possible new users) instead of scaring them? To this answer I would really like that you take a lot of hats and pretend to be a musician with 0 tech skills, if possible :slight_smile: I believe that putting ourselves in this role is one of our internal and from forum user’s big challenge, yet extremely important for the community and the platform to grow.

What sort of videos? Tutorials (eventually guided) or more casual videos where we show the device possibilities and more casually we show how we get there?
What about written content both online and/or shipped with the device? How do you think that helps?

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yes. and i agree that text should really be in an easily editable form, rather than in an image like this.

i would think of something like this:
the new user opens the box and sees a Quick Start Guide… this says something like:

- Hi There - I'm your new best friend and we're going to have a lot of fun together! Connect your instrument to Input 1, your amp to Output 1, and the power supply to the 12V input. Once you've done that, you'll be able to do this:

…then there’s a description of what the buttons and knobs do to let the user start making cool sounds. This is all based on the Dwarf shipping with a pre-installed (and well curated!!) simple pedalboard which does something useful, using just the visible physical controls on the device, even without pages or sub-pages. Then there’s another paragraph which describes how to switch sub-pages, and what becomes available in this pre-installed pedalboard on each of the sub-pages. Then there’s another paragraph which describes how to access pagination, and what becomes available in this pre-installed pedalboard on each of the available pages.

Of course, it’s a source of endless debate to figure out exactly what that initial pedalboard should do, and how to introduce deeper levels of control in the pages and sub-pages. But this sort of gradual, experiential unfolding of this depth of control, while still demonstrating a powerful first “layer”, should bring excitement for the device’s potential, without scaring them. …and it jumps the user right into making sounds and playing…

Then, I’d say there should also be a few other example pedalboards which similarly demonstrate the capabilities… and, along the way while loading and playing with them, we can introduce concepts of navigation, device settings, and the tools.

The Big Idea is introducing things in a playful, experiential way, and going gradually from simple and obvious to deep and more complex. As the Dwarf now ships, the collection of available installed pedalboards is very large and there’s no real guidance about how to actually do A Thing. A small bank of “tutorial pedalboards”, introduced specifically, will go a long way to engendering excitement and getting a new user to the point of being able to decode the in-depth documentation in such a way as to do their own things.

And some videos showing the building of those tutorial pedalboards could similarly cover the intricacies of the GUI.


Altough we got a bit out of the main topic of the thread @plutek you gave me here a few ideas and as well “food for thought”. There are some suggestions that we already had, but some others (even that you are not directly mentioning) gave me some ideas. Especially at the beginning of the post where you sort of suggest making the first experience sort of a guided journey. I need to maturate a bit, but I will try to internally discuss what you made me think about :slight_smile:

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Those who are familiar with my preachings, will know this intrigues me :wink: