This is sweet. I’m adding a new channel to vibro when I return from holidays which is bridge mode. The two channels in Vibrolux contains the same amount of tubes each, so it won’t go out of phase. I just need to verify the phase rotation introduced with the bright cap, when mixed with the other channel. In addition to that, the owner of this amp told me it should sound great in this configuration (but he never actually tried, so he will hear it for the first time through the plugin). I will let you know! Love the tone of this amp too!


Just bought the Tweaker plugin and I think it’s really impressive. I messed around with the AidaX plugin with the available captures and found them quite difficult to dial in (and in some cases quite noisy), but the Tweaker is really well dialled in and justifies the premium price. It was easy to pull the trigger on because (like many of us?) I still have store credit, but it will be difficult not to sign on for this sort of plug-in when that runs out!


Im guessing the JCVM tone stack doesn’t behave like FMV stacks? Just grabbed it last night but didn’t have time to play.

It would be cool to have some presets out of the box too.

Has a QUICK testdrive with the JCVM on METAL setting, jamming the first section of one of our band’s songs. Great fun already! :smiley:

I notice this recording lacks some low/mid oomph since I blasted it through my acoustic amp and it probably adds a certain “body”. Next time I’ll need to monitor from the unit isef.

The amps are very easy to use. Good sound right out of the box, the 5 modes from clean to metal are tailored to sensible use cases and the quality speaks for itself.


@LievenDV sounds great! I’ll def check out your other songs. :metal:

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Had a proper play last night with the JCVM and loved it, ended up pairing with some York Audio Orange 412 IRs.

Got a really nice twangy crunch with my HH Tele, nice dynamics when I play soft or roll off the volume a little. Then I have my Halberd set up to drive it a little harder and the Longsword for full distortion.

Will try and upload some clips although my guitar playing is terrible :joy:


Well the JCVM is now my go to amp. This is my basic board I use to mess about with, pretty basic but suits me just fine for messing about. It’s a great starting point to tweak from too if I need something different.