Possible to Sell Dwarf Indiegogo Contribution?

Hello everyone. I was an Indiegogo contributor, who was willing to accept being in tier 3 to help out the developer, only to be hit with a request for €150 more to get one delivered. This I will not be doing, and am not holding onto any hope it will ever get delivered otherwise. Therefore, I would like to sell my contribution to someone, for say €200, to recoup some of my money. Then this person could pay the extra €150 to get the Dwarf, plus the voucher. This makes the Dwarf €350 for this person, which includes the voucher, versus the €499 it costs to purchase new. It’s a win-win for everyone!

How can this be done?


I’m one of the lucky ones who got my dwarf not long before the crash. But I’ve been unlucky with a few other Kickstarter, so I feel your pain.
My reason for answering is a suggestion that might be able to remedy this issue.

Why not do something like this:
MOD could offer sales on plugins where plug-in devs and existing users both pitch in to help cover at least a portion of that extra $150 for those contributors. I don’t know what the actual numbers are, but adding more users will also enlarge the base of plug-in buyers, helping everyone involved. Especially those in the $150 club. Even if it only earned half the money, that might be enough to help most effected contributors close the deal or get closer anyway. I for one, would be much happier buying some plugins to help our comrades get over the hump and get all of us making good sounds with our MOD devices.
Am I making any sense?


Thanks for your reply. Glad someone took the time to read, understand and reply. But, I’m not at all shocked that nothing but crickets from the developer, considering… well, I’ll just say nothing.

Have a good day.

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It’s a nice offer and a good idea. Hope you’ll find a buyer!

Thanks. Not sure I can look for a buyer, without getting some kind of approval from the Mod people. And that, I’m guessing, will not happen any time soon, considering…

hi @RAFS,

maybe have a look at MOD Reboot - Phase Two

Ya, I saw that, and am somewhat surprised… but still excited about the news!

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