Phantom Zone - MOD Devices

SHIRO Plugins

The Phantom Zone is a dimension chorus capable of providing an almost 3D sound from a particular use of thickness, depth and width. It features 4 buttons, which can be used to select the wanted Mode, ranging from lighter to the left, to deeper to the right. To create this pedal, SHIRO has drawn inspiration from an 80s hit, the Boss DC-2 Dimension Chorus© (*), well known for its motionless yet broad sound. Features: Modeled by SHIRO Meant to be played in STEREO. If used in a mono-chain, set routing to "mono" and use input 1 & output 1. (*) 'Other product names modeled in this software are trademarks of their respective companies that do not endorse and are not associated or affiliated with MOD or SHIRO Plugins. Boss DC-2 is a trademark or trade name of another manufacturer and was used merely to identify the product whose sound was reviewed in the creation of this product. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.'

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