Performance Page screen?

When I’m performing I don’t really need to see the parameters of my settings, but instead, it will be more useful for me to be able to check on if a pedal is on or off, or if a switcher is in channel A or B at 1 glance.

Currently to see that, I will have to page to the corresponding page using button A. if I’m using a midi controller, there is simply no way for me to verify the current pedal/switcher state on the unit itself.

A “Performance” Page where maybe we can have a 6x2 blocks (or whichever number config that make sense), that we can assign to display the state of pedal or switcher at 1 glance, to me, will be very helpful.


Can you send a screenshot or picture of what exact screen do you mean? On the Control Mode?

This is a quick mock up I did

It can be either a page of the Control mode, or a separate mode altogether (Perform mode maybe?)

Currently at Control Mode, we can only see the status of the 2 Controls. To see the rest, we will have to scroll to the other pages. My idea here is so that we can see all the status we need to see in 1 page.

The footswitches can be the same as how they work in Control mode.

Maybe enter into the mode from Control mode by pressing 2 of the soft buttons? Or a dedicated midi CC# to enter/exit the mode? This will be great for people working with midi pedals like myself I believe.

On this note, why not also have dedicated/reserved CC# to control some of the functions too? Like to replicate the TAP function in the Tool mode, or enter/exit Tuner page?

Just thinking out loud here.


Also will be nice if the status display is not limited to those assigned to physical buttons, but also CV or midi commands too.

In this way I can see the state of the pedal that I control using external midi device, which is pretty much impossible now I believe unless from the web GUI.


I personally quite enjoy your ideas. I mapped them on our requests.
Yet, let me tell you that even if we go for it, it will require quite some development, I believe.

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