I uploaded several pedalboards, but they are not shown on the page.
I loaded them up with settings “public”
Does anybody knows why?
Do they include beta plugins?
(if they do, they aren’t show …I think)
Thank you. That is why my others are shown. Great help here always in the forum. I really appreciate this! But the portal plugins are now in every of my boards. so unfortunately I can not share anymore
Yeah, Most of my boards feature a Portal by default as well
I’m pretty sure the MOD Audio team is aware of thisthough
Portal makes a big difference. It is great!
Usually beta plugs wont be a issue when share a pedalboard, only local installed plugs wont work.
Here is the list with beta plugs on board:
ahhhhhh, there are my boards. under beta. how can I delete them, because they are now there several times. I am sorry!!
there is no such option for now, as managing pedalboards is not possible (we still need to have some kind of user login for managing those)
just send me in a private message the list of PBs to delete, and I will handle that.
done, thank you