I recall hearing some rumours that at some point there would be some commercial plugins available in the MOD Pedal store. I am a huge fan and supporter of open-source but I don’t have any political qualms about using some commercial applications as well. In my DAW recordings I make a lot of use of the linuxDSP (now OvertoneDSP) DT-1 plugin which is an LV2. This pedal is billed as a ‘distortion’ stompbox but truly it excels as a overdrive simulator when paired with a cabinet emulation, it is also very frugal and barely registers on CPU, . I’m a blues and rootsy music player and I’m looking for a natural sounding overdrive simulation and although the MOD has some excellent distortion and metal simulations I find for me (and this is just an opinion not a judgement) that the existing sims are either too clean, too dirty or don’t leave enough CPU for assembling a full Sim+fx pedalboard. If my tube amp were to die at a gig I could not at this point plug the MOD in directly to the PA and carry on, and I think that is an important function the MOD should be capable of fulfilling. In my opinion the DT-1 could scratch an itch and be a helpful addition and it’s CPU lightness and sonic ability to occupy that niche to go from ‘brown’ to full out Marshall ‘crunch’ would be a real complementary asset to the existing Sims which already cover many other sonic needs.
Is there a proposed timeline for commercial offerings in the plugin store, and is the DT-1 a possibility?