I just tried to use http://wiki.moddevices.com/wiki/How_To_Use_Docker_Toolbox_With_MPB for trying to get my LV2 version of Dexed ported for the Mod-Duo. But following the instructions I got the imgae running and can attach to it, but I fail to install additional software (like apt-get install vim or git clone https://github.com/lvtk/lvtk.git). I even cannot find ifconfig or ping…
Maybe it is easier to use the mod-plugin-builder? Has anyone a hint what maybe easier to use?
I need lvtk for the Dexed-port, so this would be the first goal to reach…
The linux inside docker toolbox is a very barebones one, with only the stuff needed to run docker.
Once you’re inside a docker instance you can install new stuff there (it uses ubuntu 16.04 as base)
lvtk is already provided as package for plugins to use in mod-plugin-builder.
You don’t need to build it manually.
thanks fo the fast answer! I will try to run mod-plugin-builder and use the lvtk package. I just found one problem with gcc-6 and mod-plugin-builder:
gcc-6 seems to have problems building the cross-compiler (you can find many patches for the problem), so I have installed gcc-5:
Just following the wiki, building mod-plugin-builder wasn’t hard, just took a long time. Can’t comment on the other methods because I haven’t used them.
I tried a little bit to learn from other packages how to write a buildroot recipe for dexed but I am failing… Perhaps someone can tell me what I am doing wrong?
What I want to put in a dexed.mk is the following:
(cd $(@D)/src && make -j $(PARALLEL_JOBS) install)
$(eval $(autotools-package))
If I run this with ./build dexed I am getting the problem that at some point buildroot tries to download something what really don’t exists: http://sources.buildroot.net/dexed-undefined.tar.gz
Cloning into bare repository ‘dexed-undefined’…
remote: Counting objects: 7404, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1094/1094), done.
remote: Total 7404 (delta 728), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 6305
Receiving objects: 100% (7404/7404), 50.74 MiB | 3.42 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4730/4730), done.
Checking connectivity… done.
fatal: Not a valid object name
–2017-01-16 08:28:40-- http://sources.buildroot.net/dexed-undefined.tar.gz
Resolving sources.buildroot.net (sources.buildroot.net)…
Connecting to sources.buildroot.net (sources.buildroot.net)||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
2017-01-16 08:28:40 ERROR 404: Not Found.
many thanks! Now I got it… I made also the mistake to eval autotools, but I am using a generic make. Now I only have to setup the right installation places and test.
I got my project fixed and now it uses pkg-config for the lvtk2 compile options. Runs fine for x86/Raspi. But I get stuck with compiling on docker-mpb:
This seems to be a problem with recognizing optimization flags for g++ that I found on http://wiki.moddevices.com/wiki/Developers. Without these flags the compiler complains about not finding gnu/stubs-soft.h…
Sooooo nice! Is there anyone interested in testing? I can create a tarball for self-installing - but remember: Dexed this is not supported by MOD - and I cannot give guarantee for anything