OCD Mode

I know you’re out there. I know SOME of you, even though you’re afraid to admit it, have spent an inordinate amount of time typing in “even” or integer values on parameters before you hit “save”. I also know the same people are triggered when the editor cables are even slightly uneven.

I know this because I’m one of the above. I don’t need an OCD mode, but it would make my brain happy if all the cables were at right angles (on a grid, like graph paper) and all parameters were constrained to integers!


This wouldn’t make sense for a large number of parameters where it is expected to have a float value.

How do you see this “mode” behave for when you need to input a number between ie. 0 and 1?

What is OCD ?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. See Obsessive–compulsive disorder - Wikipedia for the real medical condition, but it is often used to describe people being fussy about unimportant details.

I understand why @MODPOCALYPSE is asking for this and I am happy to admit that I am guilty of being fussy about cable layout and typing in “tidy” parameter values. I would not want MOD to focus on this at the cost of other features/improvements however.


At least you can see where I’m coming from :slight_smile:

For floating decimals in hundredths, for example, I’d prefer something like

Even then, I’d most likely keep to values of .25, .50, .75, and the like, because things obviously sound better that way!

I realize you’d lose granularity, but that’s a sacrifice people like me are willing to make. It would also make turning knobs faster without adding CV or ranges.

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