Novation Launchkey Mini MK3

When I hook up my Launchkey the keys work, but midi learning doesn’t work for the knobs.
Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

I also own the OP-1 and am thinking of using that with the Mod Duo but I’m hoping it doesn’t have the same issue

Also the Launchkey has this light show for the pads when it’s idle but when that happens it creates a hissing high pitched noise :S

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After you select the midi learn and click save, the MOD will look for CC messages to assign to the control you selected … are your launchkey knobs configured to send CC messages?
The beta plugin MIDI Display is very useful, allowing you to see what MIDI messages are being received by the MOD unit.


In my DAW midi learning works just fine?
So it should work the same right?

Try the MIDI Display plugin, as @SamIAm suggested, so you can see what your Novation is sending. Then you can properly diagnose the problem, with help if needed.

I knew nothing about midi before getting a Dwarf, and a little online research has been very helpful in terms of spending my time more on making music than troubleshooting!

Edit: (fyi just in case) you may need to click on the Midi Ports in the GUI, use separated ports, then connect your Novation out to the MIDI Display plugin in the GUI.


I can’t find a plugin called midi display?

First, ensure that you can see beta plugins.
From the web gui, click on the “Settings” icon

Select “ADVANCED” and make sure the “Show beta plugins …” option is selected.
then click “Go Back”

From the web gui, click on the “Plugin Store” icon.

Ensure “Show Beta Plugins” is selected.
Select “All”
Enter “MIDI Display” into the filter box.


Ah yes I know how the plugin store works.
It just sounded like the plugin would be in the factory suite.
Will check it out this evening :slight_smile:

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Would you mind sharing what the resolution was? It might be helpful for others who face the same issue.


it was the dumbest thing. Just unplugging it and trying again…
Still not optimal but yeah xD


I hate those sort of outcomes, it’s like rebooting to resolve an app issue. Very unsatisfying and I always wonder if it will rear its ugly head again.

still I’m glad you have it working now! :slight_smile:


hahaha yup really annoying xD