NAM & CPU Problem

205 / 5.000

I tried NAM for my first time and basically I can’t use it because the CPU reaches 100% and the sound is distorted, has this happened to anyone? Is there anything I can do to make it work well? Thank you

Are you using nano models?

Heavier ones will not work because the CPU gets overloaded.

Tonehunt provides a filter: All Models | ToneHunt

Hi Gianfranco,

I’m using DWARF, and I get the files from the site recommended on the directions: and the file is .nam and the file is DV Mark Jazz 12.nam

I would also like to point out that on that site when I search for files for AIDA I actually find .nams that are not for AIDA.

What @gianfranco means is that you should use nano-mdl models on the Dwarf.
On tonehunt, go to the “Technical” tab, select “nano-mdl” from the list and press “Apply Filters”.
Then you get a selection from nano models which properly work on the Dwarf because they are much lighter in CPU consumption then standard models.

Schermata 2024-06-02 alle 09.32.59

These are the possibilities that the site offers me, I have chosen NAM, what should I choose?

A bit bellow the Platform tab there is a tab called “Technical”, it’s the last tab. Select that and select “nano-mdl” from the list. Then press “Apply Filters”

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Thank you