My very first pedalboard

Hi guys.
I’m new to Mod Devices.
I have a Mod Duo.
I’m very impressed with possibilities it offers for playing ambiant guitar and I already want a Mod Duo X for doing a bigger pedalboard.
Here’s my ultimate first all in one stereo pedalboard with one looper and 2 stick it drones.
I use 2 Mod footwitch so I have a total control on the looper, drones and the shimmer verb. I think it can be dificult to use this pedalboard if you have not at least 4 footswitch.
Let me know guy what you think of it.
I really love it.


So you really want to build bigger pedalboards than this one?! Anyway… glad you’re enjoying it, I definitely like the sound(s) of this!


Congratulations, great sound.

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In fact I’m limited by the CPU power of Mod Duo. I would like to ad some effect to make a better drone sound. I would like to add a Gaffa delay to have weird delay. There’s so many things to do with this device…


If that is not a good reason to get a DuoX, then I don’t know one. Looking forward to your new creations!

This is exactly what I’m planning. Rather than the Mod Dwarf I prefer the Mod Duo X with more knobs and 2 screens.

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I’m really glad of your excitement and proud of the sound that you nailed with it! :smiley: Good job :wink:
Indeed the DuoX will give you way more possibilities. By reading your goals, I would suggest you use a DuoX on the setup with all the plugins that you want to have manual control and interact with the effects live and to load any particular more heavy processing effect that “has no room” on the Duo CPU. If you don’t want/need these manual controls, perhaps the Dwarf will make the job.

On my personal setup, I can tell you that this is the way that I’m trying to implement both devices.
Also, there’s a feature that will be released on 1.10 that makes me really happy setting the Duo on the floor together with other on/off switch-type controllers (what in your situation can be the MOD Footswitch where you have even more versatility). With the 1.10 you will be able to use the footswicthes and buttons as momentary toggles. For me, this is perfect since it allows me to trigger momentary effects like the Delay Mounge (for example) what it’s really cool to add those pitch swipes just momentarily and spice up the things :slight_smile: while having other pedals to simply turn on/off effects or change presets.

Hi jon! I’m very happy with my Mod Duo.I have tried the different harmonizer and pitch shifter. . They sound very good and that’s very difficult to have this quality. I also buy the gaffa delay and its fantastic. That’s great job! This platform can achieve a good sound processing. But all these plugins use a lot of CPU. So, of course, I’m planning to buy a Mod Duo X, in March I think. I prefer the Mod Duo X rather than the Mod Dwarf because it has two screens and a lot of the knobs. Perhaps I’ll use the two unit but I have no idea how to make them work together. Perhaps the Mod Duo could be a controler for the Mod Duo X? That would give me 2 extra footswitch and two knob.
I’m curious to know how you use the two unit together.
I’m very excited about the next release.
Perhaps you have read the issue I found when using two mod footswitch? I hope it will be corrected in the next release.

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Ok Jon. I understand your post now. The next release will permit to use the Mod Duo to control the Mod Duo X! That’s fantastic! Exactly what I was expecting!
I will try the munge delay too. I didn’t tried it yet there is so many effects that I need many weeks to test them. I definitely love the Mod World.
It’s fantastic to be able to build it’s own pedalboard, especially for a sound engineer like me. I love music, I love to tweak effects, I love computers, the Mod Duo is exactly what I was missing. Perhaps one day I’ll try to program my own effect, who know?
Thanks again and have a good day.


I think it makes sense to get the DuoX considering your needs.
Indeed you can use the Duo as a controller for the DuoX. To make both units work together, you can go the most basic way and simply send the audio from one into the other (creating a chain as you do with conventional pedalboards -> amps setups). Adding possibilities in your pedalboard for the units to control each other, it’s indeed smart and can be super useful. The simplest way that I would suggest is to do it via MIDI.
Yes, I’m aware of the issues that you found with the MOD Footswitch. I can tell you that it was a bug that the team was not aware of but is already working to fix. I’m not informed if it will be fixed in the next release since I don’t know how easy it is to fix (and if that may delay the release). But it will for sure be released soon :slight_smile:

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You are not 100% correct. There’s nothing new on the next release for the Duo to control the DuoX.
The simple (but handy) new feature that I meant is the possibility to use the footswitches on the Duo or the buttons on the DuoX as momentary switches (instead of pushing once to turn on and push again to turn off you can set it to be: while pushing is on, while not pushing is off…or vice-versa).
For one to control another I believe that for now the best way to do it is via MIDI. Honestly I’m not sure if there’s some feature that allows you to connect both devices in a Control Chain. I guess that no, but with your ideas I can personally understand a need for that.
Hope that one day you program your own effects and share them in the platform :wink:

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I wanted to try your ginormous pedalboard today, @Julien but my Duo got stuck with 100% CPU and did not produce any sound. Are there any tricks to it?

Hi. Yes it’s normal. In set my Mod Duo at 256ms, that’s the only way to made a such pedalboard. I tried to optimise it then I can set the Mod Duo to 128ms but that’s impossible.
If you set your Mod Duo to 256 you should use this pedalboard with 75-80% of the CPU power.
I need a Mod Duo X :wink:
If you have any questions about how to use this pedalboard ask me.
You’ll need at least 2 footswitch. One for stick it! (I use it for drone sound) and a other to send the amp output to the shimmer reverb. That’s the minimum required to have fun with this pedalboard.
I use two stick it! to make transition between drone or to make more complex drone sound.
If I have enough power, for example a Mod Duo X :grin:, I would use harmonizer before after stick it! plugin and other complex effects to have big drone sound. Perhaps in few weeks… I hope.
Have fun.
Try that and give me your comments.

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Sounds great! I have found the Mod Duo to be excellent for ambient stuff. Check out my pedalboards too - I’ve been making them for years. I actually use mine in addition to my Kemper profiler and I can get some real killer tones as well as ambient effects.


Yes I’ll look at your pedalboard.
When I bought the Mod Duo I was not sure about what I was doing. So I keep my pedalboard with a lot of mooer, a plethora x5, a strymon iridium, a boss rc10r and Cioks power supply, just in case I didn’t like the Mod Duo. Finally I sold my entire pedalboard in one week. I don’t regret it. The Mod Duo fits me perfectly, except for the cpu power.

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Will certainly report back … just have to find the time.

Hello! So I downloaded and tested your pedalboard. I love your drone sound! You’re right the Mod Duo is a very good drone machine.
I tried to understand your cable routing, that’s not clear for me but it gives me some ideas for my pedalboard. I just need a Mod Duo X now :grin:.
Thanks for shearing.


Yeah I did some weird cable routing. Not sure what part you wanted to understand, but feel free to ask and maybe I’ll be able to answer :slight_smile: :smiley: