More than 1 EnvelopeFollowers?

I’m a new one here -
I’m desperately looking for a device able to sorta “amp-sim” my two outputs on a ChapmanStick10.
does the MOD Devices support/feature more than one ‘EnvelopeFollowers’, you know?
How much ae possible to use same-time?
My “Funky Chapman Setup” would look like this:

Input1 >> EnvelopeFollower1 >> Filter1 >> CabSim1 >> Output1
Input2 >> EnvelopeFollower2 >> Filter2 >> CabSim2 >> Output2

currently I’m An AXEFX3 user, but fed up the support isn’t willing to introduce some further ‘envelope followers’, by means of: The AxeFx supports only 1 EnvelopeFollower, which is on ‘input 1’

but I need at least one for a second input (would be input 2), as I don’t play bass nor guitar but Chapman Stick, which all if you might know has two Signals. And yh, i need it for some Auto-wah’s…
Long story short - AxeFx3 costs 2500 quid plus but is to be used for single output instruments only.
boy, if I would have known that earlier I wouldn’t have invested…


Excuse my ignorance, but is an envelope follower the same as an envelope filter?

If so … calf do one

You can browse all the plugins there and see pedalboard layouts that users have created to get some idea of the insane flexibility of the MOD ecosystem. There are a few auto-wah plugins available too.
And it could be used as you request, such as

On the left are Audio In 1, Audio In 2 and MIDI In. Right side has Audio Out 1, Audio Out 2 and MIDI Out.
or using IR cab sims


Loving it!
You’re right and you already helped, thanks.
This module implies both “EnvelopeFollower & Filter”.
Though, I’d rather like to continue to surge for clarity on behalf on my original question:
Are more EnvelopeFollower’s to be possible running side-aside.
(As this opens up more possibilities)
Thanks again!

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Do you mean something like this?

The lower pathway goes thru a three way crossover.
Each of the plugins on this pedalboard are independently configurable.


looks like a great setup! thanks a lot.

IF you’d like to invest some time, would you be so kind and
try to make a built like this:
… so, almost your idea before, just for my understanding IF its possible to build up 2 EnvelopeFollowers in parallel sourcing 2 Filters (without built-in Followers) in parallel?
Hope, this makes sense to you

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Happy to, it takes just a minute or two.
But I am not sure I understand “EnvelopeFollower1>Filter1”
Is the envelopefollower sending some sort of control signal to the filter distinct from the audio signal?
How would you do this using physical pedals (and which pedals), that may give me an better understanding.

On a related note, there is an online version of the Dwarf UI where you can design pedalboards


oh my,
this looks great to snoop into the concept of MOD Devices… will dive in, ASAP.

An EnvelopeFollower is a GainDedection to CV tool, sensing your playing intensity and converting it to Control Voltage. So, yes. The CV can basically used for all kinds of Modules (in the Synthesizer World, but you’ll find this modular concept as well in Moogerfooger Pedals) … to be typically used for Voltage Controlled Amplication and Filter Automation Curves.
So, Your Design using the Filters was exactly that.
I was just curious, if there’s a stand-alone EnvelopeFollower-Module inside the MOD Devices ecosystem too, because I’d rather want to use an distinguished CV-signalfliow separately aside the audio signal flow…
But I’ll try it myself, as you showed me the LINK from before…

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I’m pretty sure there are both audio to cv and cv controlled filters in the system.

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Hi again,
I visited the site and yh, the collection seems pretty packed! There seems to be found almost everything you’d like to tinker around with, also under Control Voltage - to which my questions were related to.
Also, there seems no restriction on how many modules from the same sort you wanna use (which is on opposition of the Fractal Audio’s (Axefx) concept - they sometimes give you 4 of the same, sometimes 2, sometimes only 1 (eg. 1 RingModulator, which is ridiculous IMHO))
So, in my case here, I’d wanna have given this a try:

Input1>"Audio2CV"1>"AMS VCF"1>Output1
Input2 >Audio2CV2>AMS VCF2 >Output2

Sadly, I didn’t achieve to get a sound out from the site, funny :person_shrugging:


I’ve since realised that ANY plugin parameter can be linked to and controlled by CV, so any of the filters or other effects might be useful.
Yes, the beauty of the MOD ecosystem is that you can have as many of the same plugins as you desire (subject of course to CPU power).
No audio … did you click the Allow Streaming at the top of the page?


I did. but it’s fine.
I’ll rather purchase one pretty soon ;D

… hoping the CV layer brings you even more pleasure and control from the MOD than before, I wanna thank you for your time.



You are very welcome!

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