Model Evaluation Problem

Hello everyone, I’m experiencing an issue during the training of AIDA, specifically at step 3. Model Evaluation. It seems to be stuck and I’m unable to proceed further. Has anyone else encountered the same problem?

What is the exact error?
or is there no error at all?

How big is your input and target file?
How heavy is the model you tried to create? (lightest/light/standard/heavy)
Have you tried a different setting?

Have you tried creating a NEW folder on your google drive, upload ifles again and go through the process again?

perhaps a screenshot can help because we have very little to work with now.

I’m not sure what the error is, but this line is underlined: model_path, esr = extract_best_esr_model(model_dir)

Yes I believe there’s a bug in the line just before, just add “-0” to the end before executing it e.g.:

model_dir = f"/content/Automated-GuitarAmpModelling/Results{file_name}_{config_file}-0"

You may need to run step 2 again and then do that. Should work after that.


Yes by adding -0 it was fine, thanks.