MOD Reboot - Phase 2

Wow !!! Really good news !!!
Thanks a lot for the update, and so happy to see the adventure going in a very good direction.


thanks so much for the update, @gianfranco ! so great to hear that a solid, forward-looking plan has arisen!

i’m curious about a couple of things:

  1. i wouldn’t be surprised if the new open source status will engender a number of software forks, perhaps clustered around solving specific long-standing concerns which have been discussed in the forum. has there been discussion of the possibility of making use of any such development efforts as a source of code revisions which could be applied to the mainline OS for the devices? …or, to put it another way… could there be a way of aggregating code bases, such that we have one OS which incorporates a number of approved fixes, so we don’t just end up with a bunch of forks, each of which solves only a specific issue?

  2. does this new company structure and mandate include any ability and plan to resurrect the Expression Pedal project?

all the best!
excited for the MOD future!
thanks for all your work, and for hanging in there!



This is excellent news! The MOD ecosystem is such a fantastic environment for experimentation and music making and these developments are great for developers and musicians, especially those that wear both those hats. I am optimistic that moving to user-based identification will provide the portability that will allow users to retain the pedalboards they’ve worked hard to create and depend on with the associated plugins. I have a concern that this portability would include paid plugins from the store, but not those awarded as stretch goals or rewards for donors patience, thus making that portability less useful and requiring users to buy plugins that they have been using in the Dwarf or Duo. It would be fantastic as a demonstration of good will to allow those to be associated with users and not locked on devices, ensuring users future proofing and sustaining the work they’ve invested in sculpting their own sounds using these capable tools.


I believe that’s one of the goals yes. Instead of registering the device you register the user and you can then use all these plugins on all supported platforms.

It would be great if this can also consolidate some of the other spin-offs from MOD, like the MODEP project.
Imagine building a DIY device that you can then still buy some awesome plugins and IR for from the store.


Transitioning to more of a focus on the software seems like a good move for MOD. I hope this results in more hardware manufacturers embracing open software platforms. It is hard enough for small companies to excel at software or hardware. Trying to do both well is that much more difficult.


I think it will depend on how we organize ourselves - and by “we” I include the community contributors. There will be a lot of “repackaging” going around and the contributors will need an organized way of making this.

We want, at one point, to integrate good changes into the mainline image, of course.

Not at the moment :frowning:


This will need to be discussed with the plugin developers and is not our decision to be made unilateraly.

The current defaut license is personal and can be used in multiple devices (Duo, Duo X and Dwarf).

The general pricing of plugins inside the MOD platform is way below their PC & Mac counterparts (when they are available), given the restricted use in the devices only. With the expansion to the Desktop this will need to be discussed with the developers, as some might not consider ok to simply extend, at no cost, a license that was meant for devices only and now covers also desktops and laptops.

Additionaly, and as you mentioned for the stretch goals, there are diferent licensing cases.

We will need to think on an upgrade path for SINGLE-DEVICE > MULTI-DEVICE > DEVICES+DESKTOP and I am pretty sure we can find a solution that is good for both the developers as for the users.


This is fantastic news! Thank you for the long-awaited update :slight_smile:


I appreciate the thoughtful response. I’ll stay tuned.


Thank you for sticking to your commitments, even after all this time. Restoring a little faith in humanity!

I’n not sure why you are claiming these units are being sent “free of charge”. I certainly paid the original shipping charge and it was not ‘free’.


I edited the post and adjusted it accordingly.


Excellent news and congratulations! I wish you and MODDevices all the best in your new future! You have created something truly revolutionary and should all be very proud of what you’ve built.


This is fantastic news! One of the things that most impresses me is the resilience of the mod team in general, not to mention the extraordinary resilience, focus and determination of the MOD Father!

Gian - you da man!!

per google translator:

“O pai do MOD manda!”

(Like most Americans I only speak English and have enough trouble with that!)


Boom shakalaka :boom:


This is fantastic!

Do I understand right, this is also a “happy ending” for those MOD backers who were previously asked to increase their contributions? Or partially? It would make things very tidy. Sorry if this opens that uncomfortable topic, just hoping for clarity.

Regarding the new MOD path…
It would be nice if the new Linux PC host runs on a mini PC that can be controlled via an iOS or Android tablet (browser) or Bluetooth/Wi-Fi midi controller for compactness and reliability in performance.

This would make it possible to just build a mini PC with MOD into rigs for gigging musicians and control it via either Bluetooth/WiFi to midi pedal, audio software, remote tablets, etc without a bulky notebook or tower PC. Automation also.

IMO, separating physical control from the hardware and software makes things a lot more flexible. As much as I love my DWARF, I applaud this new direction! I’m looking forward to the first releases under the new model. Great concept,
Congratulations MOD Team!


Amazing product line - happy to see the company making moves to keep the lifeblood flowing. I played with some of my devices synced over midi earlier today and it was just a joy to see everything lighting up and playing in time - rock on mod crew!


@gianfranco: Congratulations to keeping MOD alive and even making progress in these difficult times! Perseverance is key, and you certainly have plenty of it. Looking forward to the next leg of this journey with you!


Congratulations, first of all, thanks for following through on your promises, I’m really looking forward to playing around with the mod dwarf :slight_smile: Secondly I was one of the people calling for you to open up more of the OS/boot code, so thank you! I just hope I can find time to play around with this all now :slight_smile:


Hi Gianfranco, good news and thanks for all the efforts put into this wonderful project. Keeping alive an open source project without external/additional funding is a real challenge as I can tell from experience. But this seems to be a sustainable move for the future of MOD.

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Really wonderful news that the Mod will have a sustainable future. What you have done is create the greatest guitar pedal ever with extraordinary richness and customizability. Thank you so much.