Hey all, I’m having some issues with the Mod Dwarf and MIDI in general.
I’m trying to send CCs via Serial MIDI Out. I’ve tried multiple different generators with every possible channel.
I’ve enabled Midi ports in the web-gui, but I can’t seem to get the actual CCs or notes to transmit via Serial MIDI Out to my external synths. I’ve just been trying to get some notes to play by sending the MIDI sequencer note data to Serial MIDI Out. None of my synthesizers are receiving anything.
So… questions:
Are the Serial MIDI ports functioning? I’m using standard adapters (DIN-TRS) that are supplied with most modern synths but I can’t seem to get anything to come in or go out from the Mod Dwarf.
I tried connecting my Keystep Pro to the MIDI in and then routing the signal in web-gui from Serial MIDI In to Serial MIDI Out but it does not send the Keystep Pro data through. How does one do this?
I have a Novation LaunchControl XL that works well via USB MIDI with the MIDI Learn and I can control the Dwarf parameters with it. I have another template for the LaunchControl to control my external synths, but similarly to question 2 I’m unable to transmit the data from LaunchControl MIDI In to Serial MIDI Out - nothing is going through.
Appreciate any help I can get! Thanks!