Mod Dwarf Scam Listing

Hey everyone, just wanted to give a heads up to the community that there’s a scammer out there using Mod Dwarf as bait:

Edit: It appears that Reverb does an automatic redirect and wont show the original listing so here’s a screenshot so you can see the pics used, etc:

When I saw this price, condition and free shipping, I couldn’t resist. It indeed seemed too good to be true but since I know Reverb has excellent buyer protection and that I’d also be paying with Paypal credit, I was willing to take the small risk and I bought it. Shortly after I did, I got a message from the seller saying “hello i want ship today but i have problem in my paypal account please contact me at” and they’d disabled the ability for me to send them any messages directly in Reverb. At that point, I knew it was a scam and I immediately contacted Reverb support. They quickly replied by telling me they’ve suspended the seller’s account, I should start a claim with Paypal and that they would also send info to Paypal related to this transaction. I did that and got the full refund within minutes. So all it cost me was a few minutes of my time. Would have been sweet to get a backup Dwarf for under $250, but whatever!

Anyhow, it’s pretty weird that they chose the Mod Dwarf of all things to use as scam bait and just wanted to make everyone here aware!


I saw something comparable on ebay. It has been a DuoX for 360,- €. This has been a fake as well. I realzed that because the names have been mixed up an there has been a Russian banc account. I reported this user, whereupon ebay banned the user (which unfortunately doesn’t help much either, because two minutes later he has a new user if he wants). I think these guys now go for specific not that common devices, because they know that these devices have real fans, and real fans are somehow blind…


Thanks for giving the heads up to the community @bleo! It’s really kind of you.
On a funny side: Isn’t this a metric of MODs success :slight_smile:
(glad that you got your money back and that’s what makes me comfortable throwing a joke, by the way)

On this, I can share some personal experiences. I was scammed on a ticket to watch a band where a friend of mine was playing in a small bar in Berlin during COVID times (where the audiences were super restricted) and it was for 20€ or so because I bought two tickets. So I guess that with scams kind of everything is possible.

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