Hi, i normally use Ableton live 10 (connected to a Scarlett 18i20) to send midi program changes to my line6 pod hd500x to change preset on time with the backing track. I would do the same thing to switch between pedalboards and snapshot of my new Mod dwarf. How can I do it? Any suggestion? Thanks
You can setup specific midi chanels for this.
There are some options for this in the settings menu of the device.
You need a MIDI device that can send the so-called “MIDI program changes”. The unit will listen for those to trigger loading of pedalboards and/or snapshots.
Thanks for the help, I was able to send the program changes to the Mod Dwarf via usb midi using the Ableton clips. This configuration works, I can change pedalboards / snapshots in time with the backing track. I would like to try to do the same thing with the five pin midi cable (coming from the midi out of my audio interface and connected to the midi in of the Dwarf with the mini jack). In Ableton I’ve selected the midi channel to which to send the program changes to but this configuration doesn’t seem to work. Where am I doing wrong?
wrong cable perhaps? dwarf uses type-a.
does sending notes to synths work?
Yeah now I see, I was using a Novation midi to trs adapter that I found is a type b midi cable… I will order a befaco type a trs midi cable asap to do my test✌🏻 Thanks