Mod Dwarf into PowerAmp results in strange wobbling noise

Hey guys,

new here and proudly member of the mod (dwarf) community.

I am kinda fighting with an issue targeting the connection from my mod dwarf into any kind of PowerAmp / FX Send/Return circuit.

My chain currently looks like this since i own the dwarf: Guitar → Dwarf → Harley Benton GPA100w → Harley Benton v30 212 Cab.
Everything’s fine on low volume but when I am turning the volume up on the GPA100 it’s starts creating some kind of “wobbling noise” (i could do a recording of that if necessary) even with all volume pots turned to zero on my guitar.

At first I thought it was the GPA’s issue so i tried it with my backup amp, an H&K 36 Tubemeister and put the dwarf into the FX Send / Return loop. Same noise there as well even starting on a lower volume as the GPA100.

Is there anything known about this kind of issue? I also updated the software of the dwarf and enabled groundloop compensation.

I am planing on throw over my whole setup and going into an headrush frfr 112 speaker instead of using PowerAmp + Cab if i can’t get that problem fixed cuz it’s kinda driving me crazy and also kinda make me look unprofessional on a jam and stage.

much love

ground loops are a pain…

In my case an USB PD charger paired to a “USB-C PD to 12 V” connector as a power source and a cheap “Behringer HD400 Micro Hum Destroyer” (less than 30€) beween the dwarf and the amp helped a lot.

thanks for the response.

i am a bit confused how this is happening, because it’s only happening when plugged into an poweramp to an Cab. If i plug the dwarf straight into a speaker like a stage monitor or something there is no such kind of strage “wobbling” or anyhting. Only that “mute fizz” while using trained highgain models in aida-x.

When you were testing, did you plug both amps into the same power socket? There might be a problem in the building’s power wiring, or another device plugged in that introduces power quality issues? Fluorescent lighting or LED lighting with poor drivers/dimmers are usual suspects.
I have trouble understanding what the ‘wobble’ sounds like… can you post a sound clip?

Oh, very strange indeed !
Do you have a way to test another power supply ?
I have no buz or wizz with all the amps I have since I use another power supply.

I’m playing my Dwarf into a Harley Benton GPA-400 without problems. I’m using this power supply (EDAC EA1044D-120):

I had problems with noise with the original power supply. I think the trick is to use a power supply without ground.

I have done several gigs with my Dwarf and this power supply with high gain settings without problems. However, a noise gate is mandatory because the Dwarf preamp seems to be quite noisy compared to my Boss GT-1. Otherwise you will have quite a lot of hum while you are not playing (with high gain settings).

I’m using the abGate for this:

The dwarf has a built in noise gate based on the exact same logic of that plugin

The only pro to have a plugin on your pedalboard it that you may be able to control it via ui

Sorry for the late response, it’s a stressful week.
Ofc i could upload some audio and also video of both HB GPA and that H/&K. is it possible to upload it straight into this segmet or do i have to do it external? Any recommendations for websites to upload?

Both the dwarf and the power amp / H&K head are plugged into the same power strip. Did it at home and also tested it in my local music store (so i can exclude my home wiring as an cause).

No because i don’t have another 12V Powersupply for testing. Also don’t see the point of buying another Powersupply just because the powersupply included from mod is kinda “sketchy” if you know what I mean.
I may sound “sassy” but I already paid for it…

I like troubleshooting and geeking around but this is kinda off.


Gonna give it a look!

Yea i know it’s kinda noisy so I am using the abGate straight infront on my board, followed by tScream, selectors, Amps, Cabs and so on.

It just really seems like that the Dwarf kinda produces noise while connected to external poweramps. Like I said, connected straight to an Headrush, Yamaha and other Speakers without an extra power amp there is such no noise. (Only that “after fizz” with high gain Aida Models after muting the strings, but that’s some other topic).

So you will probably keep your wobling noise…

This is a ground loop problem.
The best solution is an isolated power supply . Isolated systems may have an icon of a square within a square that shows the device is double insulated.

It’s cheap and very effective.


I always wondered what that icon was meant to convey. Thanks!

My Headrush 112 FRFR just arrived I i tried it with the Dwarf. There is no such “wobbling” sound as like i was going thru HB GPA100 into my HB212.

Isn’t that headrush 112 Speaker not kinda the same thing as i was trying with the GPA and 212 only in somekind of an “more compact” design in terms of circuit and so on?

Much love

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I just looked up the HG GPA100. I see that it is a power amp with 8 ohm output. I think the key here is the speaker setup. So the difference between the FRFR and your HB212 is that the HB212 has guitar-oriented speakers. They have certain, complex EQ curves that will make your guitar sound like a guitar. The FRFR attempts to reproduce as flat and “uncolored” a signal as possible.

When you were using the GPA100+HB212, were you also using cabinet simulators/IRs? If so, then you’re effectively sending it through a guitar speaker cabinet twice. The IR/simulator reproduces the complex EQ curve of a speaker/cabinet. If you then send that signal through a guitar speaker, it will sound weird, as opposed to sending it through an FRFR speaker.

Assuming you were using IR/cab sim with the HB212 output, try removing any IR/cab sims in your original setup.

I hope I’ve understood your situation properly and that what I’m saying makes some sense. If not, I’m happy to continue getting a better understanding of what you’re describing.

Good luck!

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Hey Dude <3,
thanks for the response but i might think you misunderstood the situation, unfortunately.

I didn’t use IRs when going thru GPA100 + 212. Like i said, that “wobblign” noise is there when i pull up the volume of the GPA Poweramp even while the guitar knobs are at 0.
It could be the Powersupply and using another one with that square within a square type of icon could maybe also be the solution. Haven’t tested it yet cuz i’ve already ordered that FRFR Speaker just to make my setup more simple.

But still thank you for your response,
Much love <3

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Ah, OK. Sorry about that. Well, I’m glad you’re getting good sound through the Headrush. I’ve got the same one and really like it!

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Yea currently still adjusting some setting there and there on the knobs.

Using 3 Amps atm on the Board:
Rhy: Mutant Insane Scoop with some adjustments and some Screamers before into Cab Sim.
Lead: Mutant pretty middy Driven Crunch with some adjustments and the same stuff as above and Delay
Clean: Onyx with some simple delay.

I would love to make the Rhy a bit more “punchy” and heavy, since i have to play “against” my other buddy with an H&K 40 Tubeamp


That sounds like a nice setup! When you get it dialed in, I’d love to check it out in the pedalboard feed :slight_smile:


This topic is kinda already solved for me simply by using an Headrush 112 FRFR active box right now instead of the old chain i mentioned in the beginning of this thread (HB-GPA100 into 212 HB v30 Cab).

I couldn’t really describe the soundissue i have and also forgot to record it since than. Now i’ve stumbled about an video from last year which compares the sunds from Aida DSP and you can hear the same sound issue I was encountering at the time I opened this issue.

At 2:30: and sometimes again further in the video.

Just as an addtion for this thread to discuss, if someone else has the same issue in the future so we know what we’re talking about

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