MIRRORZ plays backward

Yeah you need to create a DistrhoPluginInfo.h for each new plugin, so the framework knows how set up the extra details that are not defined on the max-gen side.
You also pushed the binaries directly in the pull request, which is not good.

Basically following the same as https://github.com/moddevices/max-gen-plugins/blob/main/plugins/zwabo-mirrorz/DistrhoPluginInfo.h

Should I handle this part perhaps?

Ok, I did the DisthroPluginfo files, put the .ttl files in the custom.ttl folder and added a folder with the modgui’s…but without success, I’m afraid I need help.

Everything you listed is greek to me, except for the Legos… so, uh… yeah man, right on, keep it up!

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wow, this all sounds amazing :star_struck:

reading about the CV utility plugin, may i hint you to an idea for a MIDI plugin generating programm change messages i had in another thread? the thread is about improving control over snapshots, by adding a way to group snapshots by songs. snapshots can be loaded by MIDI PC messages (so you should be able to jump to each snapshot that is the first in a song), but as far as i am aware there currently is no plugin to do it within the dwarf (only via external MIDI devices). perhaps this sounds interesting enough for you to consider it for a future project :slight_smile:

Hi m.useon

That could be great, but unfortunatly out of my skills…
All these custom utility plugins have to do with signal processing (routing, mixing) they are all produced thanks to the Gen ~ objects of Max/Msp which remain in the signal domain, Gen~ does not process MIDI signals. It is only after having been compiled in the Mod Cloud Builder that parameters become accessible via CV or MIDI.

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