MIRRORZ plays backward the last chords/ melody you just played
You can find the files here:
And a demo here:
@Mod team
let me know if it’s possible to push it to the Beta
Audio IN is permanently recorded in a 32 seconds buffer (normal speed) the TRIGGER function of MIRRORZ allows you to play backward the last chords/ melody you just played, same for the LOOP function but looped.
Yes for sure I certainly need help…
But first of all:
As I did changes in the -ttl file after running:
$ cd /path/to/max-gen-deploy/
$ ./mod-build.sh
and getting the tar.gz file, the cpp and h file won’t be ok, am I wrong ?
those steps are fine to get a binary out, but not useful to make things again for other architectures or testing.
the full source is needed if you want to push this to beta.
We can do this in a way so that, if you need to push an update, you fork the repository and change the files in the max-gen-plugins/plugins/zwabo-mirrorz at main · moddevices/max-gen-plugins · GitHub folder.
Github even provides ways to edit these files directly from the web browser, so it can be doable even if one does not really understand how git works. You seem to be quite okay with it, which is nice to see.
Nothing more to do on your side, not much anyway.
I need to take some time to finalize the details that allow those custom properties you were using.
Will try to get it done this week.
hey @zwabo thanks a lot for this, and for the initiative which, with @falkTX’s help, got a functional gen~ → MOD repository going!
MIRRORZ is brilliant, and is now going to see heavy use in my boards.
…and in the new year i hope to develop some of my own gen~ plugins.
question: have you only built this for DWARF?
later edit, answering my own question: just installed it on Duo X as well - seems to work fine!
haha… even later edit: Duo as well!
one other question: are you sure the ENV control is working properly? it seems like it does what it’s supposed to up to about 200. but if i set it higher than that, what i hear is a little interruption near the end of each loop.
Hi @plutek , thanks.
You’re right, ENV param is not totally functional as it should be, I’ll have to check this one of theses days. In fact this bug allows me to use it sometimes for short loops to make things a little bit more organic using a CV clock-> Random Generator → ENV
…and it’s fun.
I absolutely love this plug-in! I’ve got two instances on my board. One in my main signal chain, and one before a fully wet Galactic reverb to create ghost noises
For both of them I have a CV controlled very slow LFO set to S&H changing the octave randomly - it’s an insanely effective sound!