MIDI Step Sequencer8x8 - MOD Devices

Robin Gareus

A simple step sequencer. It allows to trigger MIDI note events placed on a time/note grid. The Step-duration is configurable to musical time and can optionally be modulated for a swing-time effect. This plugin version contains 8 notes and 8 steps.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://pedalboards.moddevices.com/plugins/aHR0cDovL2dhcmV1cy5vcmcvb3NzL2x2Mi9zdGVwc2VxI3M4bjg=?__hstc=181257784.c1fd10cdc5d7b47d9844ea4282cb6c38.1505845345508.1505845345508.1505859166504.2&__hssc=181257784.2.1505859166504&__hsfp=194074958