Hi, there! I’m thinking of trying to control an external midi program through my Dwarf. Is there anybody here doing that currently and if so, how did you connect things together, and what is the signal flow?
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My Dwarf is controlled by a Morningstar MC6 with midi over USB, and the Dwarf controls a Kernom Ridge with a stereo jack.
Nearly no problem with both.
@Rom: ‘nearly’? What does that mean?
I’m wanting to incorporate some midi programs on a laptop, so I’d be dealing with USB MIDI, I think. The main thing I’m trying to figure out is how to wire it all together. Maybe have to do trial and error.
The Dwarf has trouble recieving midi messages from the MC6 sometimes :
But sending messages from the Dwarf to the MC6 or to the Kernom Ridge never faild me
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