Midi sequencer with pattern rotation

Hey there!

I would like to request a midi grid sequencer that has a knob for sequence rotation or nudge.

A euclidean-style pulse sequencer with rotation would also be on the list :slight_smile:



I’ve never heard of the Euclidian sequencer before, just watched a demo video and WOW! I can totally see that working as a MOD plugin!


Euclidean sequencing is great for both rhythmic exploration, as well as generative music.

I really love using them while working on tone, as it allows me to change up the monotony of a pattern with a knob turn or two.

I think it would be a great addition to the MOD ecosystem. I’d have to experiment with euclidean sequencing effects chains just because I’m curious about it haha


With the Cardinal DISTRHO - Cardinal Mini DISTRHO - Cardinal Mini you can use the modules
Orbits Manual - Orbits VCV Rack Plugin Manual
GitHub - hemmer/rebel-tech-vcv: Rebel Tech VCV plugins

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I attempted to use cardinal yesterday and did not get along with it.

I’d prefer to have direct plugins native to the MOD plugin store that doesnt require sideloading.

I appreciate that there is generally always a work around for this stuff, but imo it would be better for MOD to have these plugins available for the non technical user.

I understand resources are tight, but the more time I have to spend getting a board cobbled together to do a basic useful function, the less time and energy I have to actually use it lol


Yes it’s doable! Although converting between CV and midi values takes a little practice. Best to start out with the Cardinal mini plugin to get into the workflow. Although there is no Euclidean sequencer available in the mini version yet. Yes Omri Cohen is a great resource.!


oooh can we map cardinal knobs to dwarf knobs?? @Elk_wrath check out Omri Cohen’s YouTube channel for some really great tutorials on using cardinal/vcv rack. It’s such a fun platform! Another one I need to figure out how to make plugins for :smiley: