Hey there,
After speaking with someone on one of my YouTube videos, the conversation was centered on midi controllers for the mod platform.
Obviously I told them that 3rd party controllers are compatible with the platform.
That got me thinking about what if MOD made a first party controller.
I love the encoders on my dwarf and I am excited to experience the encoders on the duox soon.
I think it would be awesome to have an encoder/fader bank from MOD with the same attention to build quality as their pedals.
The midi fighter twister is a good example, but I’m kinda snobbish about the tactile experience of my gear, and I avoid plastic gear in my setups.
Features I’d imagine for the MOD Encoder would be multi-connectivity through TRS, USB, and Control Chain options.
Lighted endless encoder knobs (preferably the ones from the dwarf that have the clicks), so that you can see the position of the parameter in the dark (would be awesome for snapshot loading), with assignable push buttons.
Full aluminum enclosure as is the MOD standard.
USB-C Power port
A screen is probably not necessary for a device like this, as you can map it in the board constructor.
However, a midi mapping overview feature would be required and was requested in this thread: https://forum.moddevices.com/t/seeing-all-mapping-organize-snapshots
Optional: 4 faders at the base. It’s not necessary, but would be great to control my mixer for EQ adjustments/mixing.
Not sure if this would be popular, but I’d certainly enjoy having it in my set up.