Do we have a plug-in to generate a midi clock (that could be harnessed to loop and echo MOD plugins) from an incoming analog input (think a e-drum kit - operated by a real-life human)
I understand it will be a “best fit, average, flywheel” kind of situation but it would really be of great help for a project next weekend!
if no, any pointers appreciated!
thx, mogg
I assume you’d be using the DuoX here, right?
Using pd/heavy I should be able to mock-up something rudimentary. The only problem is that I’m not sure if we can reliably get mod-host to follow the transport of such a plugin. Even if we enable the midi-loopback.
Thinking you want to use this to sync plugins to the host transport, right?
Or are you sending the midi to other outboard gear?
I think this is related to that?:
So, as far as I know, it should be possible soon.
I have a Dwarf so that is what I was hoping to use.
I would like to synchronize echo repeats ( assume on Dwarf, but could be other midi ‘d echo device) with live e-drums ( either full kit or just bass perhaps snare drum signal)
My other way to do it is use a tap tempo but obviously this drifts or stutters if I do it on the fly
Thx again
- what a great sandbox Mod is - its like Christmas morning every day!!
The Dwarf does not have analog inputs, so my idea of using CV wouldn’t work.
Not sure how else to do it then.
input 1 and 2 are analog. my hope was to put a drum track in on input 2, extract midi clock and use chan 1 for guitar with effects sync’d to the midi clock beat extracted from chan 2
It seems that you are asking for some kind of bpm detection plugin with some CV output to drive time based effects, rather than an actual midi clock?
Not an easy task to be accomplished in real time, anyway, except maybe for very simple rhythm patterns… I think that with tap tempo after some training will surely get better results
No, these are audio inputs. You cannot use these for CV input.
If I understand correctly he is asking to perform a real time BPM detection (midi clock?) on an input audio (he is calling it analog in the “non-midi” sense) signal to align time-baeed effects
Correct. A company out of High Wycombe in the UK (red devices?) had an analog box a long time ago that did it. It was marketed it to the DJ crowd to sync effects to records. That’s what i was hoping to emulate. Lock effects to an analog e-drum signal. (especially hoping for guitar processed with DM STUTTER to sync drum beat). Thx again
You could try something like that:
1 pass the audio trough a low-pass filter plugin
2 convert it to a CV signal (see CV Tutorial - MOD Wiki and Plugins - MOD Audio )
3 pass the CV signal trough a gate
4 assign the CV from the gate plugin to the tap tempo of the dwarf or of each plugin (if it is possible)
But it could only work with very simple patterns.
For real life usage it will not work, tap tempo is still your best choice
Are you sure that the e-drum cannot provide actual midi together with analog audio?