Mi mod duo no guarda cambios de usuario

pues eso, cambie lo q cambie, al apagarlo y encenderlo vuelve a como estaba, tengo la version 1.13

Сложно в точности понять проблему по такому скудному описанию, но на всякий случай замечу что педалборд не сохранится сам, это нужно делать в явном виде:


Без этого изменения внесенные в педалборд не переживут перезагрузку устройства.

Ja, wenn du Hilfe suchst, solltest du das Problem schon genauer beschreiben, als nur “der Duo speichert nicht”.

Effectivement, je n’aurais pas dit mieux.

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hola a todos, gracias por vuestras respuestas, y perdon si no me e explicado lo suficiente, la consulta es: en system-inputs/outputs cuando cambio los parametros que van desde -12DB a +25DB en inputs y de -99.5 a 0 en outputs, estos parametros no se mantienen guardados, cuando apago y enciendo el mod duo, vuelven a estar los inputs a -12DB y los outputs a 0, igual me pasa con lla opcion de current pedalboard, aunque lo cambie a reset, siempre vuelve a ponerse en saved, queria saber si estoy haciendo algo mal o simplemente se resetea al apagarse el mod, gracias por vuestra ayuda y un saludo.

Hi @francis

I know it may sound to some as an unfair constraint, but could you please write your questions in English so that we can all understand it and provide you with the best answer ?

I’m sure Google translate can help you.

You can still also post your original question in Castellano for those of us who understand it of course, but at least an English translation would help and allow us to help you better.

Thanks in advance

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Hello everyone, thanks for your answers, and I’m sorry if I haven’t explained myself enough, the query is: in system-inputs/outputs when I change the parameters that go from -12DB to +25DB in inputs and from -99.5 to 0 in outputs, these parameters are not kept saved, when I turn the mod duo off and on, the inputs are back to -12DB and the outputs to 0, the same thing happens to me with the current pedalboard option, even if I change it to reset, it always goes back to put it on save, I wanted to know if I’m doing something wrong or it just resets when the mod turns off, thanks for your help and greetings.

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hola a todos, la e pasado al ingles, pero al pegarla se traduce sola lo siento

My guess would be trying to save a user profile.
At my MDX device it is here:

These settings are saved in the user settings on the device (not in the Web GUI).
Input / Output and some more settings are stored in the “User Profiles”.


You can read more in the wiki:

Edit: ignis32 was faster…

Good morning, I have reinstalled version 1.10 and now it allows me to save the changes in user profiles, I wanted to know why from that version it is not possible to save the changes, greetings