Lock Parameter?

Is there a way to lock a parameter on a plug-in? Use case: on the Rakarrack Parametric EQ, I’d like to set the EQ to certain frequencies and then keep myself from accidentally changing them when I’m changing levels or Q—the sliders are so close together that if you’re moving quickly it’s easy to grab the wrong one, especially when focusing on what your ears are hearing.

Maybe like a lock/unlock icon near the parameter in the settings view of each pedal?


You could address them to a control to CV plugin i think


I generally go to the settings page for more complex plugins. I find those controls much easier to use, plus I can directly enter numerical values for many of them. But to answer your question, I don’t know of any way to prevent accidental control manipulation on the main GUI screen.


Hm… that could work; if something like CV Parameter was in charge of moving the value then it wouldn’t work in the pedal’s own GUI—at least I’ve found that to be true for on/off functions.

Totally agree generally speaking, but in this particular use case I was 1) adjusting the interaction between the EQ plug-in and the on-board EQ of an amp sim, so wanted to have both sets of controls accessible on one screen at the same time, and 2) this may wind up in a pedalboard that I actually share for once as a contribution to our collective knowledge here, and the EQ points are crucial to the board so I was hoping to be able to make sure others can’t mess the freqs up either.

But on the other hand who the heck am I to mandate set freq points for anyone—art is subjective, non?


I would do it the same way as CarloDossi is doing it. If you control the parameter with CV you cannot turn the button any more. So my recommendation is also to use CV for that.


With apologies, since this isn’t considered a practical solution…

1. Open up your browser’s developer tools and use the Inspector to highlight the control you’d like to disable:

2. Right-click on the element to bring up the context menu, and select “Delete”:

3. Parameter is “hidden” until you refresh the page!


…and here is an example Greasemonkey script you could use to automate it. I tested this on the MOD web pedalboard demo - you should see the RMPro bass knob removed. (My first time ever using/trying Greasemonkey though I’ve known about it for eons)

// ==UserScript==
// @name     MOD parameter hider
// @version  1
// @grant    none
// ==/UserScript==

// This is used to wait for the pedalboard to finish loading so the HTML element will be present. The value is
// in milliseconds (5000 = 5 seconds).  Increase it if your pedalboard takes a long time to load
var waitForPedalboardToLoad = 5000;

setTimeout(function () {
  // Use your brower's dev tools HTML inspector to highlight the parameter you'd like to hide.
  // Replace the part after 'mod-port=' with the value corresponding to the parameter you've selected
	var bassknob = document.body.querySelector('div[mod-port="/graph/remastermediapro_com/bass"]');
}, waitForPedalboardToLoad);

I’ve got 25+ years in web development (and hypercard before there WAS a web), so I get what you’re suggesting—but if one is trying to create a specific sound to pass on to others, using dev tools to live-edit the front end isn’t gonna help. I just figured the ability to lock some parameters in any plug-in would be a practical feature, although clearly I’m gonna start with the CV workaround.