For local development of plugins using buildroot can be bothersome and confusing.
You can use the cross-compiler and toolchain directly instead of going through buildroot methods.
Note that this expects that your source code build system is cross-compile friendly (ie, no hardcoded compiler and paths and uses pkg-config to find extra libraries).
Also this only works on a real Linux system, without using docker.
The setup is as simple as: (adjust as needed)
$. ~/mod-plugin-builder/local.env
$ make
The local.env file will setup your Linux compiler environment variables (such as CC, CXX, CFLAGS, etc) to use mod-plugin-builder files.
If everything goes well, the resulting binaries will be ARMv7, MOD Duo compatible.
works great here. I must admit that I’m to lazy to do a fresh checkout of the mod-builder, so I’ve copied just the env file into my home folder and sourced it into my bash: source '/home/brummer/local.env'
Then I run my usual build (make) command for my plug. E voila, I receive a ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped
library which I could deploy on my MOD.
That really speed up development/testing circles for me.
Many thanks.