List of Presets

hello, it is possible to enter the list of pedal and amplifier layer presets in the dwarf like the others parameters, I can’t find the way…it would be amazing change the presets in the pedal, like in the headrush devices, i am not asking for snapshots…

You may want to have a look at the Dwarf User Guide


Ok, sorry

you have to manually assign effect parameters (or presets) to some device HW knob: select “assign all” under the preset list

Then select “knob 1” and save

Now you can change the overdrive presets with a knob

Compared to other pedals requires some (a lot of) homeworking :slight_smile:


Thanks!! I have the dwarf since one month and it s a continous learning, incredible machine…thanks again…

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Yes, to be honest a comprehensive user guide would add a lot of values, but the forum has a lot of info and the community is small but active