LED peak-meter testing

Hello everyone.

This is not a full release but one meant for testing. I’d like to ask everyone interested in their opinion on a change we are planning to make on the peak-meters of our devices.

We have found that the way they are used now often confuses new users and as a result many users don’t play with the optimal gain settings and headroom.
We have decided to tweak things a bit and also make the transitions between the colors smooth instead of static, with this the LED’s will also give a better indication of where in the range the signal is instead if in one of the 3 options there are now (green, yellow and red).

with these tweaks the following ranges are applied:
-inf dB to -40 dB → LED’s off
-40 dB to -6 dB → green fade in
-6 dB to -1 dB → green fully on, fade in of yellow
-1 dB to 0 dB → red

When the value reaches anything above 0dB (digital clipping) the LED’s will blink red just as they did before, to give a clear indication that the audio is being distorted.

Since the peak-meter LED’s are such a fundamental part of our product, we would love to hear you guy’s opinion before we change anything here!

The images that contain the new peak-meter software are here:
MOD Duo: http://download.moddevices.com/releases/testing/modduo-v1.8.3.1028.tar
MOD DuoX: http://download.moddevices.com/releases/testing/modduox-v1.8.3.1027.tar

The upgrade procedure is explained at the top of our releases page, here:

These releases are an adaptation of the 1.8.3 firmware with the only difference being the peak-meters.

Please let us know your experience or if you find any issues



i haven’t installed the image, but i think this is a great change – more intuitive and useful!

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Is it safe to disable the peak meter workaround for the Mod Duo X or will it still freeze the device?

Seems to be a useful change.

Not safe yet, sorry

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OK, thanks.

This change feels pretty good to me, and the gradual fade-in of the green is definitely more intuitive than the old scheme. If I were nitpicking, I’d say start the amber color a bit earlier, maybe from -9dB; a punchy guitar covers that last 6dB very quickly.


Haven’t tested this but it sounds fantastic to me!

Is this feature released yet? I upgraded my Duo to but I don’t see this new behaviour.

No not yet, though it will be in the 1.9 release soon!

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