JCM900 AIDA-X modelo sharing

HI everyone!! Second chance… this time a real JCM900 High Gain Dual Reverb Combo.(only preamp) I used the DI out direct to my MOD Dwarf and record everything without any other kind of hardware… easy and AMAZING!! I´m just starting with this tec,but there are endless possibilities I think… Hope anyone can find it useful, I use it with a tubescreamer in front of it (software in my MOD Dwarf) and it crank very well…a 4x12 simulation a bit of EQ and ready…

JCM 900_LSTM-16-0.json (53.4 KB)


Good, lots of musical harmonics and low noise, i like it. There is many simulation captures, and i think only the real deal has those niuances, and it’s less muddy, more meat.

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Thanks for tour reply! nice you like It!! I’ll trying yo make more real captures as son as I can…

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The AIDA-X team has released the AIDA-X Cloud: https://cloud.aida-x.cc/

Would you upload your models there? :pray: