After noticing a bit of high cpu on a simple pedalboard on my mod duo I decided to have a look at whats happening under the hood. One of the first things I tend to look at when working on embedded systems is the interrupt load, from what I can see the interrupts are mostly running on CPU0. Has anyone investigated using irqbalance or manually redistributing the irqs?
[root@modduo ~]# cat /proc/interrupts
29: 2192210 93795 GIC arch_timer
30: 0 0 GIC arch_timer
32: 0 0 GIC axp_mfd
33: 24 0 GIC serial
35: 51923 0 GIC serial
39: 6788 0 GIC sunxi-i2c.0
49: 0 0 GIC serial
50: 133 0 GIC serial
54: 0 0 GIC timer0
55: 6 0 GIC aw_clock_event
59: 22682 443749 GIC dma_irq
60: 0 0 GIC sunxi-gpio
64: 0 0 GIC sunxi-mmc
69: 291 0 GIC nand
70: 7509 0 GIC sw_usb_udc
71: 2 0 GIC ehci_hcd:usb2
96: 26 0 GIC ohci_hcd:usb3
120: 50 44 GIC sunxi-i2c.3
121: 11068 0 GIC sunxi-i2c.4
IPI0: 0 0 Timer broadcast interrupts
IPI1: 1157404 816132 Rescheduling interrupts
IPI2: 0 0 Function call interrupts
IPI3: 10 1 Single function call interrupts
IPI4: 0 0 CPU stop interrupts
IPI5: 0 0 CPU backtrace
Err: 0