I’ve done some tests on the Windows version, the audio connection seems consistent with the wiring. I’ve restarted the services multiple times and it never failed. The build is build #92: Commit [fa65bc6]. I don’t know if you changed something regarding midi, but now I’m able to switch the snapshots at least. I’ve noticed another thing, when I start the gui, it loads the snapshot the has been selected while saving the pedalboard. It’s ok, but all the plugins selection, for instance the NAM model, the IR in the IR loader, are empty. Then, if I load manually the snapshot again, they appear. It’s only cosmetic because the sounds match what’s contained in the snap.
Regarding the Linux version, same build as Windows Commit [fa65bc6], I have sound and channels inconsistency and I have to redo the wiring. The weird thing is that the Jack Graph is correct, the last plugin is stereo wired to the mod-monitor. Then I detach the not functioning cable, I see the missing connection in the graph, then I reconnect it back and at that moment I have full stereo out.
This is one of the quirks of windows vs posix paths, “\” vs “/”
Also windows not supporting symlinks, which LV2 kinda relies on to keep track of things proper.
It is very likely that on Windows we need to skip the whole “leave a link on pedalboard for easy sharing of files” thing, and always reference the original files instead…
Thanks for the windows vs linux testing, it confirms my suspicion of what is going on.
It is not nice, but at least I should be able to put up a workaround for that soon.
Still trying to get the plugins all validated and running. the neuralrecord was hopefully the last one, we got a nice collection now with the latest builds.
The GUI is getting a little more tweaks, now hiding away all the advanced stuff.
and with everything open
and then the logs too
With the exception of screcord, all plugins are building and passing a quick automated self-test.
Will do a bit more cleanup after the latest changes, then prepare for a release. Have a big event coming up (anyone going for the Ubuntu Summit in Latvia too?) so new release likely only next week.
Just wanted to share my experiences with the App:
First of all: it is really great!! I found myself quite often just plugging in my Guitar directly into my interface and using the Mod App instead of using my physical pedalboard with the dwarf, which is also directly connected to my audio interface. Especially using the AIDA-X models I surprisingly experienced a quite noticeable improvement of sound quality using directly my interface with the MOD App. I have to investigate a little more, but it’s maybe because of some “tone-sucking” pedals on my pedalboard, which alternate the sound quality quite hearable. Or could this be due to different A/D converters used in the dwarf and my interface? (Im definetly not an expert in this topic)
I also would appreciate some kind of easy DAW-integration of the Mod App. I tried to use it as an input for Ableton, but I haven’t managed it yet. How did you do this exactly @suitsus? Did you use ASIO drivers?
I’m really looking forward to the next build with more plugins. Thanks a lot @falkTX for developing this app!
I used the routing matrix in my audio interface, an iConnectivity iConnect AUDIO 4+.
I feel silly, is there something I’m missing? I’d like to try other amp sims but I don’t see how to select them. The AIDA-X panel shows “C:\Program Files\MOD App\plugins\rt-neural-generic.lv2\models\deer ink studios\tw40_california_clean_deerinkstudios.json”
and that directory shows several more, such as:
but how do I load one of them? Thanks!
Another small release after getting a lot of details sorted out:
Those that tested before and had issues, please try again.
In particular:
- macOS and Windows WASAPI device options were not handled correctly, now fixed
- pedalboard screenshots should work now
- saving and loading pedalboards, presets and plugin files should finally be working properly on windows
- fixed a few plugin crashes
- fixed midi input on windows, was crashing on any event
- fixed the weird connection issue not passing audio data sometimes
- many more plugins added
- added a linux build
there are still a few things to fix, adjust and implement. go to Issues · moddevices/mod-app · GitHub for the current list of tasks and issues/bugs.
your feedback would be very appreciated, thanks in advance!
(and a screenshot to finalize, because we always appreciate those)
and just noticed the linux build is broken… “works on my machine” sorta situation, local builds are ok but the one in the releases is not. fixing that soon, then tagging 0.0.4 after verifying that automated builds actually work.
there is somthing wrong in the last release (003). I’m not sure if the problem is on my site but…
I had the version 002 working without problem, but after installing the new version, after pressing the START button (with the same configuration of version 002) the button OPEN WEB GUI doesn’t light up. and if I try it manually it gave me an error Site not reaced. If I install the old version it works.
In the loggin window on MOD-UI:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\lib\__startup__.py", line 40, in run
File ".\lib\Console.py", line 37, in run
File "utils\cxfreeze\mod-ui-setup.py", line 11, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'
In the loggin window on Jackd+host:
Starting jackd using:
-R -S -n mod-app -C .\jack\jack-session.conf -v -d portaudio -r 48000 -p 128 -P Windows WASAPI::Cuffie a due canali indipendenti (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC) -C Windows WASAPI::Array microfoni integrato (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC)
jackdmp 1.9.22
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2016 Grame.
Copyright 2016-2023 Filipe Coelho.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
Drivers/internals found in : C:\Program Files\MOD App
Drivers/internals found in : C:\Program Files\MOD App
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"
Jack: JackWinThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackWinThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: Initializing PortAudio...
Jack: JackPortAudioDriver::Open nframes = 128 in = 0 out = 0 capture name = Windows WASAPI::Array microfoni integrato (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC) playback name = Windows WASAPI::Cuffie a due canali indipendenti (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC) samp
Jack: JackDriver::Open capture_driver_name = Windows WASAPI::Array microfoni integrato (IDT High Definition
Jack: JackDriver::Open playback_driver_name = Windows WASAPI::Cuffie a due canali indipendenti (IDT High Defi
Jack: Check protocol client = 9 server = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = system
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 0
Jack: JackWinSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_pipe.mod-app_system val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = system
Jack: JackGraphManager::SetBufferSize size = 128
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 0 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackPortAudioDriver::Open fInputDevice = 12, fOutputDevice 10
Jack: JackPortAudioDriver::Open setup max in channels = 2
Jack: JackPortAudioDriver::Open setup max out channels = 2
Jack: JackPortAudioDriver::OpenStream buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackWinNamedPipeServerChannel::Open
Jack: JackWinNamedPipeServer::BindAux : fName \\.\pipe\server_jack_mod-app_0
Jack: JackEngine::Open
Jack: JackWinNamedPipeClient::ConnectAux : fName \\.\pipe\server_jack_mod-app_0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = freewheel
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 1
Jack: JackWinSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_pipe.mod-app_freewheel val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = freewheel
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = system name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 0 driver = freewheel name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 0 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackDriver::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fBufferSize = 128 fSampleRate = 48000
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 22 buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 1 name = system:capture_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 1
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] port_index = 1
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 22 buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 2 name = system:capture_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 0 port = 2
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fCapturePortList[i] port_index = 2
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 3 name = system:playback_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 3
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] port_index = 3
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 0 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 21 buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 4 name = system:playback_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 0 port = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackAudioDriver::Attach fPlaybackPortList[i] port_index = 4
Jack: InitTime : multimedia timer resolution set to 1 milliseconds
Jack: JackServer::Start
Jack: JackPortAudioDriver::Start
Jack: JackWinThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackWinThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: JackWinNamedPipeServerChannel::Init
Jack: JackWinNamedPipeServerChannel::ClientAdd size 0
Jack: JackWinThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackWinNamedPipeServer::BindAux : fName \\.\pipe\server_jack_mod-app_0
Jack: JackLoadableInternalClient::JackLoadableInternalClient path_to_so = jack/mod-midi-merger.dll
Jack: No jack_get_descriptor entry-point for mod-midi-merger
Jack: JackInternalClient::Open name = mod-midi-merger
Jack: Check protocol client = 9 server = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = mod-midi-merger
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 2
Jack: JackWinSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_pipe.mod-app_mod-midi-merger val = 0
Jack: JackWinThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = mod-midi-merger
Jack: JackClientPipeThread::Execute ebf3bdc0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 2 driver = system name = mod-midi-merger notify = 0
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 0 name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 2 driver = freewheel name = mod-midi-merger notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 1 name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackInternalClient::Open name = mod-midi-merger refnum = 2
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger:in type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 1 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 5 name = mod-midi-merger:in type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 2 port = 5
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger:in type = 8 bit raw midi port_index = 5
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger:out type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 2 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 6 name = mod-midi-merger:out type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 2 port = 6
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger:out type = 8 bit raw midi port_index = 6
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackClient::Activate
Jack: JackClientPipeThread::Execute ebf3bdc0
Jack: JackWinThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackWinThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: JackClient::kBufferSizeCallback buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackClient::Init : period = 0 computation = 0 constraint = 0
Jack: JackWinThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 7
Jack: JackWinProcessSync::Trylock WaitForSingleObject err = 0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientActivate ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 2
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 1 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 2
Jack:: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 2 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 1 ref1 = 2 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 2
Jack: JackClient::kActivateClient name = mod-midi-merger ref = 2
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 5
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 6
Internal client mod-midi-merger successfully loaded
Jack: JackLoadableInternalClient::JackLoadableInternalClient path_to_so = jack/mod-midi-broadcaster.dll
Jack: No jack_get_descriptor entry-point for mod-midi-broadcaster
Jack: JackInternalClient::Open name = mod-midi-broadcaster
Jack: Check protocol client = 9 server = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = mod-midi-broadcaster
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 3
Jack: JackWinSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_pipe.mod-app_mod-midi-broadcaster val = 0
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = mod-midi-broadcaster
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 3 driver = system name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 0 name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 3 driver = freewheel name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 1 name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::kAddClient fName = mod-midi-merger name = mod-midi-broadcaster
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackInternalClient::Open name = mod-midi-broadcaster refnum = 3
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackClientPipeThread::Execute ebf3bdc0
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster:in type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 1 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 7 name = mod-midi-broadcaster:in type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 3 port = 7
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster:in type = 8 bit raw midi port_index = 7
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster:out type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 2 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 8 name = mod-midi-broadcaster:out type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 3 port = 8
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster:out type = 8 bit raw midi port_index = 8
Jack: JackClient::Activate
Jack: JackWinThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackWinThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: JackClient::kBufferSizeCallback buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackClient::Init : period = 0 computation = 0 constraint = 0
Jack: JackWinThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 7
Jack: MMCSS API not used...
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackClientPipeThread::Execute ebf3bdc0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientActivate ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 3 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 3
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 3 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 3 ref1 = 3 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 2
Jack: JackClient::kActivateClient name = mod-midi-broadcaster ref = 3
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 7
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 7
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 8
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 8
Internal client mod-midi-broadcaster successfully loaded
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackClientPipeThread::Execute ebf3bdc0
Jack: JackLoadableInternalClient::JackLoadableInternalClient path_to_so = jack/mod-host.dll
Jack: No jack_get_descriptor entry-point for mod-host
Jack: JackInternalClient::Open name = mod-host
Jack: Check protocol client = 9 server = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = mod-host
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 4
Jack: JackWinSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_pipe.mod-app_mod-host val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = mod-host
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 4 driver = system name = mod-host notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 0 name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 4 driver = freewheel name = mod-host notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 1 name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 4 name = mod-host notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::kAddClient fName = mod-midi-merger name = mod-host
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 4 name = mod-host notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::kAddClient fName = mod-midi-broadcaster name = mod-host
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackInternalClient::Open name = mod-host refnum = 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 4 name = mod-host:midi_in type = 8 bit raw midi flags = 1 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 9 name = mod-host:midi_in type = 8 bit raw midi
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 4 port = 9
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 4 name = mod-host:midi_in type = 8 bit raw midi port_index = 9
Jack: jack_client_open mod-monitor
Jack: JackInternalClient::Open name = mod-monitor
Jack: Check protocol client = 9 server = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientInternalOpen: name = mod-monitor
Jack: JackEngine::AllocateRefNum ref = 5
Jack: JackWinSemaphore::Allocate name = jack_pipe.mod-app_mod-monitor val = 0
Jack: JackEngine::NotifyAddClient: name = mod-monitor
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 5 driver = system name = mod-monitor notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 0 name = system notify = 0
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 5 driver = freewheel name = mod-monitor notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 1 name = freewheel notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::kAddClient fName = mod-midi-merger name = mod-monitor
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::kAddClient fName = mod-midi-broadcaster name = mod-monitor
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 4 name = mod-host notify = 0
Jack: JackClient::SetupDriverSync driver sem in normal mode
Jack: JackInternalClient::Open name = mod-monitor refnum = 5
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 5 name = mod-monitor:in_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 1 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 10 name = mod-monitor:in_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 5 port = 10
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 5 name = mod-monitor:in_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio port_index = 10
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 5 name = mod-monitor:in_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 1 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 11 name = mod-monitor:in_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddInputPort ref = 5 port = 11
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 5 name = mod-monitor:in_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio port_index = 11
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 5 name = mod-monitor:out_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 2 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 12 name = mod-monitor:out_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 5 port = 12
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 5 name = mod-monitor:out_1 type = 32 bit float mono audio port_index = 12
Jack: JackEngine::PortRegister ref = 5 name = mod-monitor:out_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio flags = 2 buffer_size = 0
Jack: JackGraphManager::AllocatePortAux port_index = 13 name = mod-monitor:out_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio
Jack: JackConnectionManager::AddOutputPort ref = 5 port = 13
Jack: JackClient::PortRegister ref = 5 name = mod-monitor:out_2 type = 32 bit float mono audio port_index = 13
Jack: jack_set_graph_order_callback ext_client ebf52f00 client ebf52f00
Jack: JackClient::Activate
Jack: JackWinThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackWinThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: JackClient::kBufferSizeCallback buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackClient::Init : period = 0 computation = 0 constraint = 0
Jack: JackWinThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 7
Jack: MMCSS API not used...
Jack: JackEngine::ClientActivate ref = 5 name = mod-monitor
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 5
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 4 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 5
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 5 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 4 ref1 = 5 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 2
Jack: JackClient::kActivateClient name = mod-monitor ref = 5
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 10
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 10
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 11
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 9
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 11
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 12
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 12
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 13
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 13
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackClient::Connect src = mod-monitor:out_1 dst = system:playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 4
Jack: JackEngine::PortConnect ref = 5 src = mod-monitor:out_1 dst = system:playback_1
Jack: JackClient::kGraphOrderCallback
Jack: WaitGraphChange...
Jack: JackGraphManager::CheckConnect src_name = mod-monitor:out_1 dst_name = system:playback_1
Jack: JackEngine::PortConnect ref = 5 src = 12 dst = 3
Jack: JackGraphManager::Connect port_src = 12 port_dst = 3
Jack: JackConnectionManager::Connect port_src = 12 port_dst = 3
Jack: JackConnectionManager::Connect port_src = 3 port_dst = 12
Jack: JackConnectionManager::IsLoopPathAux ref1 = 0 ref2 = 5
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 5 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackConnectionManager::IncConnectionRef: ref1 = 5 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackClient::Connect src = mod-monitor:out_2 dst = system:playback_2
Jack: JackEngine::PortConnect ref = 5 src = mod-monitor:out_2 dst = system:playback_2
Jack: JackGraphManager::CheckConnect src_name = mod-monitor:out_2 dst_name = system:playback_2
Jack: JackEngine::PortConnect ref = 5 src = 13 dst = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::Connect port_src = 13 port_dst = 4
Jack: JackConnectionManager::Connect port_src = 13 port_dst = 4
Jack: JackConnectionManager::Connect port_src = 4 port_dst = 13
Jack: JackConnectionManager::IsLoopPathAux ref1 = 0 ref2 = 5
Jack: JackConnectionManager::IncConnectionRef: ref1 = 5 ref2 = 0
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
monitor debug: out1 connected: false, out2 connected: false
Jack: JackClientPipeThread::Execute ebf3bdc0
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 4
Jack: JackClient::kGraphOrderCallback
monitor debug: out1 connected: false, out2 connected: false
Jack: JackClientPipeThread::Execute ebf3bdc0
Jack: jack_set_thread_init_callback ext_client ebf3f300 client ebf3f300
Jack: new timebase master: ref = 4
Jack: JackClient::Activate
Jack: JackWinThread::StartImp : create non RT thread
Jack: JackWinThread::ThreadHandler : start
Jack: JackClient::kBufferSizeCallback buffer_size = 128
Jack: JackClient::Init calling client thread init callback
Jack: JackClient::Init : period = 0 computation = 0 constraint = 0
Jack: JackWinThread::AcquireRealTimeImp priority = 7
Jack: MMCSS API not used...
Jack: JackEngine::ClientActivate ref = 4 name = mod-host
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 1 ref2 = 4
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 6 ref1 = 1 ref2 = 4
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 4 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackGraphManager::ConnectRefNum cur_index = 6 ref1 = 4 ref2 = 1
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 4 name = mod-host notify = 2
Jack: JackClient::kActivateClient name = mod-host ref = 4
Jack: JackClient::Init calling client thread init callback
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 9
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 4 name = mod-host notify = 9
Jack: JackClient::kPortRegistrationOn port_index = 9
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 9
Jack: JackClient::Connect src = mod-midi-merger:out dst = mod-host:midi_in
Jack: JackEngine::PortConnect ref = 4 src = mod-midi-merger:out dst = mod-host:midi_in
Jack: JackGraphManager::CheckConnect src_name = mod-midi-merger:out dst_name = mod-host:midi_in
Jack: JackEngine::PortConnect ref = 4 src = 6 dst = 9
Jack: JackGraphManager::Connect port_src = 6 port_dst = 9
Jack: JackConnectionManager::Connect port_src = 6 port_dst = 9
Jack: JackConnectionManager::Connect port_src = 9 port_dst = 6
Jack: JackConnectionManager::IsLoopPathAux ref1 = 4 ref2 = 2
Jack: JackConnectionManager::IsLoopPathAux ref1 = 1 ref2 = 2
Jack: JackConnectionManager::DirectConnect first: ref1 = 2 ref2 = 4
Jack: JackConnectionManager::IncConnectionRef: ref1 = 2 ref2 = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 11
Jack: JackRequest::Notification
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 4 name = mod-host notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 4 name = mod-host notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 3 name = mod-midi-broadcaster notify = 18
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 2 name = mod-midi-merger notify = 18
Jack: JackDriver::ClientNotify ref = 1 driver = freewheel name = freewheel notify = 18
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackEngine::ClientNotify: no callback for notification = 4
Jack: JackClient::ClientNotify ref = 5 name = mod-monitor notify = 4
Jack: JackClient::kGraphOrderCallback
monitor debug: out1 connected: false, out2 connected: false
Jack: JackClientPipeThread::Execute ebf3bdc0
Internal client mod-host successfully loaded
I have the same problems like @Rino2 … its not possible to start mod-gui with the 0.0.3 on windows 10… the 0.0.2 version worked without problems
ok seems windows version is also broken, sorry for that.
but this is why we want to have automated builds, so that once fixed it will be reproducible.
likely due to the same issue as the linux builds.
do the macOS ones even work then?
just downloaded… it starts up and sees all my audio I/O.
haven’t gone any further yet.
thanks, I verified the same too. on the windows side I found the issue, already fixed in the latest automated builds, now to try to fix the linux side too…
Ok Linux and Windows builds should be fixed now with the latest release
Hi! Seems to work fine on Ubuntu 22.04. Mod-app shows with multiple audio ins-outs. However I am a little unsure how to manage midi in and out, since it is not showing in Jack.
Midi is being merged/aggregated automatically in the background.
Only hardware and midi-through devices for now.
(I couldn’t do separate midi ports, but hopefully that will come)
On Linux it’s not too difficult to run the whole MOD stack anyway. The main advantage for the mod-app is for Windows and macOS.
Windows works fine on 0.0.4!.. (I didnt test midi). Very nice that pedalboards can now be saved.
Ok I understand. However i just ran the app again now, but just with my internal soundcard. Tried to run with ALSA::PULSE and I had a crazy feedback. I suspect the duplex setting in audio setting was still running. Something to be aware of.
There is another bug in windows, for sure it’s present since release 002.
On my main PC I have a usb interface and also a thunderbolt one (UAD TWIN 4).
If I select UAD in the setting window the PC goes in the blue screen if death.
I know the software is at the very beginning stage but I think it is better to protect it…
Os windows 11