MOD DUO (NAND, SN: MDS-20180601-1-02-003-0043)
I’m trying to reinstall the system. I follow instructions:
boot-fel-factory-reset seems ok, but not always the Duo enters in recovery mode (often it freezes on startup logo, but I can see it in Mac Finder and copy Factory-Reset-Image on)
If Duo enters in Recovery mode, reinstalling Factory-Reset-Image seems ok
In any case, when the machine reboots it freezes on startup logo and doesn’t works at all.
Trying again (and again and again…) it gives always the same problems.
Booting while pressing left knob and foot switch doesn’t work.
SSH doesn’t work.
USB Ethernet device is not provided
It seems Duo remains in FEL mode.
Whenever I power it on and connect to computer, I can run boot-fel script. After it has finished, Duo appears as a storage device. And then:
Mostly, screen is frozen on logo and no led is turned on. I can copy system-image on it but when I remove mass storage and unplug USB cable, nothing happens.
Rarely, it enters Recovery mode (sometimes only leds works, lcd is steel frozen), I copy system-image, installation seems to work (less pass from blue to red to green), but when machine reboots it freeze on the logo (it seems to be in FEL mode)