I want to use hostapd to make mod dwarf an access point

I understand that I can use wpa_supplicant to make it wifi.
But I want to plug a WiFi dongle into dwarf and make dwarf an access point.
I found a way to use a wifi router, but I want to do it with just a WiFi dongle if possible.

So I want to install hostapd, but I couldn’t install it because I can’t use pacman or make.
Has anyone tried the same thing?

You may have to install (build) the right toolchain. Have a look at the mod-plugin-builder on GitHub.

After you can use the appropriate toolchain to cross compile whatever you want

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Is mod-plugin-builder really necessary?
I want to put hostapd in Linux.
I thought about it, but I am wondering if I need to buy a PX30 development board and transfer the hostapd built on the development board.

You can buy one, try and let us know

But if all you plan to do is copy hostapd from an arm distribution there is no need to buy something, just download the Armbian or Ubuntu package and extract it somehow. It may work or it may not, but there is no added value in buying other hw

About cross compiling hostapd and its dependencies have a look at this


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