How to select an audio file with a switch

I would like a plugin to select and play an audio file with a footswitch (or knob).
“Audio File” does not do that.

You need to save audio files as a user preset, then you will be able to select them with a knob or footswitch. You need to do that by web gui, just select desired audio file and then save it with desired description. The files that are loaded to dwarf to audio file catalogue will be visible only on web gui, saving them as a preset will let you to switch them with knobs or footswitch. It will take some time to save every loaded audio file as a user preset but it will let to manipulate them. Please be aware that the heavier and longer an audio file is the lonager will take to switch between them.


This is the first time I’ve heard of a way to switch presets.
I think this will solve my problem!

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You just need to assign them to a control with the “Assign All” button.

Just to be sure, are we discussing plugin level presets instead of pedalboard level snapshots, right?
